- Yize Wang, Kunlei Zhao, Li Yuan*,
A modified fifth-order WENO-Z scheme based on the
weights of the reformulated adaptive order WENO scheme,
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 96
DOI: 10.1002/fld.5314
Haijun Yu*, Itzhak Fouxon*, Jianchun Wang, Xiangru Li,
Li Yuan, Shipeng Mao, and Michael Mond*,
Lyapunov exponents and Lagrangian chaos suppression in compressible homogeneous
isotropic turbulence,
Physics of Fluids, 35
Shiwei Liu*, Li Yuan,
A modified a posteriori subcell limiter for high order flux
reconstruction scheme for one-dimensional detonation simulation,
Journal of Scientific Computing, 97
article number 31,
Kunlei Zhao, Yulong Du, Li Yuan*,
A new sixth-order WENO scheme for solving hyperbolic
conservation laws,
Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation, 5
Abdullah Shah*, Muhammad Sohaib, Li Yuan,
A numerical method for two-phase flow with its application to
the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability problem,
Communications in Nonlinear Science and
Numerical Simulation, 125
(2023): 107334,,
杜玉龙, 徐凯文, 赵昆磊, 袁礼*,
数值计算与计算机应用(Journal on Numerical Methods and Computer Applications),
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Lijun Hu*, Li Yuan,
A simple FORCE-type centred scheme accurate for contact discontinuities: Application to compressible Euler flows,
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Yunchu Wang, Li Yuan*,
Fixing the residual flattening of an upwind
compact scheme for steady incompressible
flows in enclosed domains,
East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics,
11(4) (2021): pp. 708-731,,
R.K. Mohanty*, Li Yuan, Divya Sharma,
A new exponential compact scheme for the
two-dimensional unsteady nonlinear Burgers'
and Navier-Stokes equations in polar cylindrical coordinates,
Numer. Math. Theor. Meth. Appl.,
14(2) (2021): pp. 488-507,,
R.K. Mohanty*, Li Yuan, Divya Sharma,
New compact scheme in exponential form
for two-dimensional time-dependent Burgers
and Navier-Stokes equations,
East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics,
10(3) (2020): pp. 437-454,,
Yulong Du, Yahui Wang, Li Yuan*,
A high-order modified finite-volume method on Cartesian
grids for nonlinear convection-diffusion problems,
Computational and Applied Mathematics,39
(2020): 214 (20 pages),
Lijun Hu*, Li Yuan, Kunlei Zhao,
Development of accurate and robust genuinely two-dimensional HLL-type Riemann solver for compressible flows,
Computers and Fluids, 213
(2020): 104719 (15 pages),
Yahui Wang, Yulong Du, Kunlei Zhao, Li Yuan*,
A new 6th-order WENO scheme with modified stencils,
Computers and Fluids, 208
(2020): 104625 (16 pages),,
Yahui Wang, Yulong Du, Kunlei Zhao, Li Yuan*,
A low-dissipation third-order weighted essentially
nonoscillatory scheme with a new reference
smoothness indicator,
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 92
(2020): 1212-1234.,
Yahui Wang, Yulong Du, Kunlei Zhao, Li Yuan*,
Modified stencil approximations for fifth-order weighted essentially
non-oscillatory schemes,
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王亚辉, 刘伟, 袁礼*, 杜玉龙,
气体物理 (Physics of Gases), 4(3) (2019): 34-41.
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Yulong Du, Li Yuan*, Yahui Wang,
A High-order modified finite volume WENO method on 3D Cartesian grids,
Commun. Comput. Phys., 26 (3) (2019), 768-784.
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Suhail Abbas*, Li Yuan, Abdullah Shah,
Numerical simulation of multiple steady and unsteady flow modes
in a medium-gap spherical Couette flow,
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering,
41 :49 (2019) (14 p).
Suhail Abbas, Li Yuan*, Abdullah Shah,
Existence regime of symmetric and asymmetric Taylor vortices in wide-gap
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Suhail Abbas, Li Yuan*, Abdullah Shah,
Simulation of spiral instabilities in wide-gap
spherical Couette flow
Fluid Dynamics Research,
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Li Yuan*, Wei Liu, Jian Zhai, Shifeng Wu, A.K. Patra, E.B.Pitman,
Refinement on non-hydrostatic shallow granular flow model
in a global Cartesian coordinate system
Computational Geosciences, 22
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Shouguo Qian, Yu Liu, Gang Li*, Li Yuan,
High order well-balanced discontinuous Galerkin methods for Euler equations at isentropic equilibrium state under gravitational fields
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(2018): 23-37,
Gang Li*, Olivier Delestre, Li Yuan,
Well-balanced discontinuous Galerkin method and finite volume WENO scheme based
on hydrostatic reconstruction for blood flow model in arteries
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Abdullah Shah*, Sadia Saeed, Li Yuan,
An artificial compressibility method
for 3D phase-field model and its application
to two-phase flows,
International Journal of Computational Methods, 14
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应用数学与力学 (Applied Mathematics and Mechanics), 38
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气体物理 (Physics of Gases), 1
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袁礼*, 刘伟, 翟健,
山地学报 (Mountain Research), 34
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Jian Zhai, Wei Liu, Li Yuan*,
Solving two-phase shallow granular flow equations with a well-balanced NOC scheme on multiple GPUs,
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M. Rizwan*, A. Shah, L. Yuan,
A central compact scheme for numerical solution of two-phase
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胡立军, 袁礼*,
应用数学与力学 (Applied Mathematics and Mechanics),
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Shifeng Wu*, Li Yuan,
A hybrid FD-DEM solver for rigid particles in viscous fluid,
Computers and Fluids, 118:159-166, 2015.,
Jian Zhai, Li Yuan*, Wei Liu, Xinting Zhang,
Solving the Savage-Hutter equations for granular avalanche flows
with a second-order Godunov type method on GPU,
Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 77:381-399, 2015.
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Shan Liang, Wei Liu, Li Yuan*,
Solving seven-equation model for compressible two-phase flow
using multiple GPUs,
Computers and Fluids, 99:156-171, 2014.,
Zhong-Zhi Bai*, Yu-Hong Ran, Li Yuan,
On approximated ILU and UGS preconditioning
methods for linearized discretized steady
incompressible Navier-Stokes equations,
Numerical Algorithms, 65:43-68, 2014.
DOI: 10.1007/s11075-013-9694-y,
袁礼, 刘伟, 胡立军, 张磊, 李彬,
气体物理-理论与应用, 8
(4): 19-27, 2013.
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Bin Li, Li Yuan*,
Convergence issues in using high-resolution schemes and
lower-upper symmetric Gaus-Seidel method for steady
shock-induced combustion problems,
Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 71:1422-1437,2013.
Li Yuan,
Numerical investigation of wavy and spiral Taylor-Gortler
vortices in medium spherical gaps,
Physics of Fluids, 24, 124104, 2012.,
梁珊, 刘伟, 袁礼*,
力学学报, 44(5):884-985, 2012.
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Abdullah Shah*, Li Yuan, Shamsul Islam,
Numerical solution of unsteady Navier-Stokes equations on
curvilinear meshes,
Computers and Mathematics with Applications,
63:1548-1556, 2012.
袁礼*, 李彬,
气体物理-理论与应用, 6
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Rang Yuhong*, Li Yuan,
Modified alternating direction-implicit iteration method for
linear systems from the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations,
International Journal of Computer Mathematics,
88(17), 3762-3779, 2011.,
Yan Ding*, Li Yang, Li Yuan,
A finite difference real ghost fluid method on moving meshes
with corner-transport upwind interpolation,
Computers and Fluids,
49: 247-257, 2011. doi:
Wei Liu, Li Yuan, Chi-Wang Shu*,
A Conservative modification to the ghost fluid method
for compressible multiphase flows,
Commun. Comput. Phys., 10
(4): 785-806, 2011.
doi: 10.4208/cicp.201209.161010a,
Fei Teng, Li Yuan*, Tao Tang,
A speed-up strategy for finite volume WENO schemes
for hyperbolic conservation laws,
Journal of Scientific Computing, 46
: 359-378, 2011.
Abdullah Shah*, Li Yuan,
Numerical solution of a phase field model for incompressible two-phase
flows based on artificial compressibility,
Computers and Fluids, 42
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Yu-Hong Ran*, Li Yuan,
On modified block SSOR iteration methods for linear systems
from steady incompressible viscous flow problems,
Applied Mathematics and Computation,
217:3050-3068, 2010. doi:
丁岩, 袁礼*,
计算物理 (Chinese Journal of Computational Physics), 27(4), 501-508, 2010.
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Abdullah Shah*, Li Yuan, and Aftab Khan,
Upwind compact finite difference scheme for time-accurate
solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes
Applied Mathematics and Computation,
215, 3201-3213, 2010.
Li Yuan*, Hong Guo, Zhaohua Yin,
On optimal message vector length for block single parallel partition
algorithm in a three-dimensional ADI solver,
Applied Mathematics and Computation,
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张磊, 袁礼*,
4(3), 221-229, 2009.
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Abdullah Shah, Li Yuan*,
Flux-difference splitting-based upwind compact schemes
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Hong Guo*, Li, Yuan, Zhaohua Yin,
A block SPP algorithm for multidimensional tridiagonal equations
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3(2), 229-245, 2009.
Abdullah Shah, Hong Guo, Li Yuan*,
A third-order upwind compact scheme on curvilinear meshes for the
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5(2-4), 712-729, 2009.
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Resolving the shock-induced combustion by an adaptive mesh
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Influence of sonochemistry on single-bubble sonoluminescence,
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Sonochemical effects on single-bubble sonoluminescence,
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A new parallel strategy for two-dimensional incompressible
flow simulations using pseudo-spectral methods,
Journal of Computational Physics,210, 325-341, 2005.
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Numerical study of multiple periodic flow states in spherical
Couette flow,
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用改进的Level Set方法计算可压缩双介质流动,
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- Abdur Rashid* and Li Yuan,
Convergence analysis of pseudospectral method with restraint operator for fluid
flow with low Mach number,
Appl. Comput. Math., 2(2), pp.135-142, 2003.
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Comparison of implicit multigrid schemes for three-dimensional
incompressible flows,
Journal of Computational Physics,177 (1),134-155, 2002.
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计算物理, 19
(1), 23-29, 2002.
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Effects of ionization in single-bubble sonoluminescence,
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用改进的耦合型level set方法计算一维双介质可压缩流动,
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Guangwu Yan* and Li Yuan,
A Lattice Boltzmann method for the chemical clock in the Belousov-Zhabotinski
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Guangwu Yan* and Li Yuan,
Lattice Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook model for Lorenz attractor,
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Guangwu Yan* and Li Yuan,
Recovery of the scale-$\varepsilon^{2}$ pattern by lattice BGK model,
Communications in nonlinear science & numerical simulation,
6(1): 40-44,2001.
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Guangwu Yan* and Li Yuan,
Lattice Boltzmann simulation for the spiral waves in the excitable medium
Communications in nonlinear science & numerical simulation,
5(4), 147-150, 2000.
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Guangwu Yan* and Li Yuan,
Lattice Boltzmann solver of the Rossler equation,
Communications in nonlinear science & numerical simulation,
5(2): 64-68, 2000.
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Guangwu Yan* and Li Yuan,
Lattice Boltzmann model for the perfect
gas flows with near-vacuum region,
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L. Yuan*, W. Wei, C.Y. Ho, M.-C. Chu, P.T. Leung,
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