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81. Stability of Least Square Approximation under Random Sampling, with Xinyue Zhang.

80. Stability in Phase Retrieval: Characterizing Condition Numbers and the Optimal Vector Set, with Yu Xia and Zili Xu

79. Interlacing Polynomial Method for Matrix Approximation via Generalized Column and Row Selection, with J.-F. Cai and Zili Xu.

78. Asymptotically Sharp Upper Bound for the Column Subset Selection Problem, with J.-F. Cai and Zili Xu,  International Mathematics Research Notices, 2024.

77.  Affine phase retrieval for sparse signals via L1 minimization, with S. Sun, M. Huang, J Fourier Anal Appl, 2023

76.  No existence of linear algorithm for Fourier phase retrieval, with Meng Huang, Journal of Complexity, 86 (2025) 101886.

75.  Strong convexity of affine phase retrieval, with Meng Huang, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2024

74. The performance of quadratic models for complex phase retrieval, with Yu Xia, Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA, 2024

73. 相位恢复:理论、模型与算法,计算数学,20222月,第44 卷第1期,1-18.

72. Improved bounds in Weaver's KS_r conjecture for high rank positive semidefinite matrices, with Zili Xu, Ziheng Zhu, Journal of Functional Analysis, 29, 2023

71. Uniqueness and stability for the solution of a nonlinear least squares problem, with Meng Huang,  Math. Comp., 2024

70. Sparse phase retrieval via Phaseliftoff, with Yu Xia, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Page(s): 2129 – 2143, Vol.69, 2021.

69. Bounds on antipodal spherical designs with few angles, with Z.L. Xu , W.-H. Yu, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 2021

68. Graph Sparsification by Universal Greedy Algorithms, with Ming-jun Lai, Jiaxin Xie, J. Comp. Math., 41 (2023), pp. 741-770.

67. Upper and lower bounds for matrix discrepancy, with Jiaxin Xie and Ziheng Zhu,  J Fourier Anal Appl, (2022) 28:81

66. Performance bound of the intensity-based model for noisy phase retrieval, with Meng Huang,  Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, Volume 68, January 2024, 101584

65. The recovery of complex sparse signals from few phaseless measurements, with Yu Xia,  Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, Volume 50,2021.

64. Almost Everywhere Generalized Phase Retrieval, with Meng Huang, Yi Rong and Yang Wang,  Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, Vol. 50, January 2021, Pages 16-33

63. The minimizers of the $p$-frame potential, with Zili Xu, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, Volume 52, May 2021, Pages 366-379

62. Subset Selection for Matrices with Fixed Blocks, with Jiaxin Xie, Israel Journal of Mathematics,  2021

61. Perturbed Amplitude Flow for Phase Retrieval, with B. Gao, Sun, Yang Wang, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol.68, 5427-5440, 2020.

60.The estimation performance of nonlinear least squares for phase retrieval, with M. Huang,  IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Volume: 66, Issue: 12, Dec. 7967 -7977, 2020.

59. On DC based method for phase retrieval, with Meng Huang, Ming-jun Lai and Abraham  Varghese,  Approximation Theory XVI, Nashville, 2019

58. Improved bounds for the RIP of Subsampled Circulant matrices, with Meng Huang, Yuxuan Pang, Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processing, (2019), 18.

57. Solving Systems of Quadratic Equations via Exponential-type Gradient Descent Algorithm, with Meng Huang, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 2019.

56.  Phase retrieval from the norms of affine transformations, with Meng Huang, Advance in Applied Mathematics, Volume 130,2021

55. Data Recovery on a Manifold from Linear Samples: Theory and Computation, with J.-F. Cai, Y. Rong, Y. Wang, Annals of Mathematical Sciences and Applications Volume 3 (2018) Number 1, pp. 337-365

54. Almost everywhere injectivity conditions for the matrix recovery problem, with Yi Rong, Yang Wang,  Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, Vol.50 January 2021, Pages 386-400

53. On generalizations of p-sets and their applications, with Heng Zhou, Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications, 12 (2019), pp. 453-466..

52. The minimal measurement number problem in phase retrieval: a review of recent developments,  Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications, Jan, 2017, Vol 37, No.1, pp.40-46.

51. Phase retrieval by hyperplanes, with Sara Botelho-Andrade, Peter G. Casazza, Desai Cheng, John Haas, Tin T. Tran, Janet C. Tremain Contemporary Mathematics Volume "Frames and Harmonic Analysis", 2017


50. A gradient-enhanced L1 approach for the recovery of sparse trigonometric polynomials, with Tao Zhou. Commun. Comput. Phys. Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 286-308, July 2018

49. Improvement of the lower bound of the PCM quantization error for vectors in R^2, with Heng Zhou, Journal of approximation theory. Vol. 215, 2017, 1-12.

48.   Phase Retrieval From the Magnitudes of Affine Linear Measurements  with Bing Gao, Qiyu Sun and Yang Wang,  Advance in Applied Mathematics, 93  (2018), 121–141.

47. Phaseless recovery using the Gauss-Newton method with B. Gao, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing. VOL. 65, NO. 22, NOVEMBER 15, 2017

46. Generalized phase retrieval : measurement number, matrix recovery and beyond with Yang Wang. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 2019, No.2, 423-446

45. The minimal measurement number for low-rank matrices recovery, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 2018

44. Stable Signal Recovery from Phaseless Measurements  with Bing Gao, Yang Wang.  J Fourier Anal Appl (2016) 22: 787.

43. Robustness Properties of Dimensionality Reduction with Gaussian Random Matrices, with Bin Han,  SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics, 2017, 60: 1753-1778

42.  A strong restricted isometry property, with an application to phaseless compressed sensing, with V. Voroninski,  Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, Volume 40, Issue 2, March 2016, Pages 386395.

41. One-Bit Compressed Sensing by Greedy Algorithms, with W. Liu and D. Gong, Numerical Mathematics: Theory , Methods and Applications, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 169-184, 2016.

40. Compressed Sensing Matrices from Fourier Matrices, with G. Xu, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory61(2015), 469-478.

39. The lower bound of the PCM quantization error in high dimension, with H. Zhou, Applied Computational Harmonic Analysis, 2015

38. The performance of orthogonal multi-matching pursuit under RIP , J. Comp. Math 33 (2015), 495-516.

37. Multivariate discrete least-squares approximations with a new type of collocation grid, with T. Zhou, A. Narayan, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 36(5), A2401–A2422., 2014.

36. On sparse interpolation and the design of deterministic interpolation points, with T. Zhou, SIAM J Sci. Comp.,Vol.36,  1752-1769, 2014.

35. Phase Retrieval for Sparse Signals, with Yang Wang, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, Vol 37,  531-544, 2014.

34. On the $\ell_1$-Norm Invariant Convex k-Sparse Decomposition of Signals, with G. Xu, Journal of the Operations Research Society of China, December 2013, Volume 1, Issue 4, pp 537-541

33. On B-spline framelets derived from the unitary extension principle, with Zuowei Shen, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 45(11) 2013, 127-151.

32. The regularity of refinable functions, with Yang Wang,  Applied Computational Harmonic AnalysisVolume 34, Issue 1, January 2013

31. Compressed sensing, A survey,  Sci Sin Math, 2012, 42(9).


30.  The Performance of PCM Quantization Under Tight Frame Representations, with Yang Wang, SIAM J. MATH. ANAL, Vol. 44, No. 4, pp. 2802–2823, 2012

29A remark about orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm, Advances Adaptive Data Analysis, 2012.

28.  Hierarchical zonotopal spaces, with O. Holtz and A. Ron, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., Volume 364, Number 2, 2012.

27Deterministic Sampling of Sparse Trigonometric Polynomials,  Journal of Complexity, Volume 27, Issue 2, April 2011, Pages 133-140.

26 Multivariate splines and polytopes,  Journal of Approximation Theory, Vol. 163, Issue 3, March 2011..

25 Adaptive non-uniform B-spline dictionaries on a compact interval, with Laura Rebollo-Neira,  Signal Processing, Volume 90, Issue 7, July 2010, Pages 2308-2313.

24Subspace modelling for structured noise suppression, with Laura Rebollo-Neira, A. Plastino,   Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Volume 389, Issue 10, 15 May 2010, Pages 2030-2035.

23Sagbi bases of Cox-Nagata rings, with Bernd Sturmfels, Journal of the European Mathematical Society, Volume 12, Issue 2, 2010.

22Eulerian numbers: a spline interpretation , with R. Wang, Y. Xu,  Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 370 (2010) 486-490.

21Refinement equations and spline functions, with A. Dubickas,  Adv. Comp. Math. 32: 1-23, 2010.

20Marginal Likelihood Integrals for Mixtures of Independence Models, with Shaowei Lin and Bernd Sturmfels,   Journal of Machine Learning Research, 10(Jul):1611--1631, 2009.

19Multivariate F-splines and fractional box splines,  Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 15:723-738, 2009.

18. Discrete Schemes for Gaussian Curvature and Their Convergence, with G. Xu, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2009

17Application of multivariate splines to discrete mathematics, preprint. 

16An explicit formulation for two dimensional vector partition functions,  Contemporary Math : Integer points in polyhedra--Geometry, Number Theory, Representation Theory, Algebra, Optimization, Statistics, 2008  PDF

15Let me tell you my favorite lattice-point problem, with  MATTHIAS BECK, BENJAMIN NILL, BRUCE REZNICK, CARLA SAVAGE and IVAN SOPRUNOV,   Contemporary Math: Integer points in polyhedra--Geometry, Number Theory, Representation Theory, Algebra, Optimization, Statistics, 2008. 

14Analytic and algebraic properties of canal surfaces, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 195(2006)(With Jiaguang Sun, etc). PDF

13Multi-dimensional versions of a formula of Popoviciu, Science in China Series A. , 2006, PDF

12A robust algorithm for finding the real intersection of three quadric surfaces, Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol 22, Issue 6, 1 (2005), 515-530. .(with Xiaoshen Wang, etc.) PDF

11Convergence analysis of discrete differential geometry operators over surfaces,  Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Mathematics of Surfaces XI, 2005.PDF

10The Structural Characterization and Locally Supported Bases for Bivariate Super Splines,  with Ren-hong Wang, Journal of Computational Mathematics.6(2004). PS

9The Estimation of the Bezout Number of Piecewise Algebraic Curve, with Ren-hong Wang, Science in China Series A, 2003 Vol.46 No.5, 710-717.PDF  

8Discrete Truncated Power And Lattice Points In Rational Polytope, with Ren-Hong Wang, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 159 (2003) 149-159.PDF

7On the dimension for multivariate weak spline function spaces, with Ren-hong Wang,  Journal of mathematical research & Exposition Vol.22, No.1,7-12, February, 2002.

6The instability degree in the dimension of spaces of bivariate spline, with Ren-hong Wang, Approx. Theory & its Appl., 18:1,2002,68-80. PS

5Multivariate weak spline function space, with Ren-hong Wang,  Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol.144, No.1-2, 2002.

4Some properties about crossing cut partition,  with Ren-hong Wang, Numerical Mathematics A journal of Chinese Universities, 2001, No.4.

3Reasonable layout of pollution sources in nearshore waters,  with Liu Shu-Zhen, Feng En-min, Liu Heng-kui, Acta Oceanologic Sinica, 2000, No.2.

2Application of uniform design to computer experiments,  with Wai-Man Ho, Journal of the Chinese Statistical Association,2000,No.4.

1Numerical simulation of tidal motion and parameter identification, with Liu Shu-Zhen Feng En-min, J. Dalian Uni. Tech., 1999, No.3.