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Working  Experience


l  Feng Kang Chair Professor, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2021.1--)  

l  Professor, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2014.3--)   

l  Associate Professor, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2009.3-2014.3)  

l  Assistant Professor, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2005.7-2009.3)    

l  Visiting Associate Professor, Michigan State University (2011.7-2011.8)          

l  Visiting Scholar,  National University of Singapore (2011.3)   

l  Research Fellow, TU Berlin, Germany (2007.7-2008.7) 

l  Postdoc, Department of Computer Science, Tsinghua University (2003.8-2005.7)






l  Ph.D., 2003.7,   Department of Applied Mathematics,  Dalian University of Technology.  

l  Dissertation: Multivariate Spline, Piecewise Algebraic Curve and   Linear DIOPHANTINE Equations. 

l  B.A. , 1998.7,   Department of Applied Mathematics, Dalian University of Technology .

l  1998.8,  Summer School, Nanjing University, Differential Geometry

l  2001.8,  Summer School, Zhejiang University, Finite Element





l  Associate Editor, Journal of Computational Mathematics,  (2016--)

l  Associate Editor, Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications, (2016--)

l  Associate Editor,  IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,(2021.10-)

l  Guest Editor GDC2013 Special Issue of Science in China, Series A

l  Secretary-General, China Society of Computational Mathematics, (2015-2019)

l  Member of the Standing Committee of China Society of Computational Mathematics, (2015-2019)

l  Member of the Committee of Chinese Mathematical Society, (2015-2019)



Selected honors and awards


l  2017, Youth Innovation Award (China Society for Computational Mathematics )

l  2012, Outstanding teacher award (Academy of Mathematics and System Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences )

l  2011, Membership of Youth Innovation Promotion Association of Chinese Academy of Sciences

l  2010, LU Jiaxi Young Talent Award (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

l  2010, Chen Jingrun Award for Young Talents (Academy of Mathematics and System Science,  Chinese Academy of Sciences )



Selected Plenary Lectures


l  2023,  SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

l  2022,  Huawei Rome Square Forum, China




l  2021-2024, the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, Computational Harmonic Analysis

l  2017-2019, State key program of the major research plan of the national natural science foundation of China, The recovery of signals from incomplete measurements

l  2015-2017, Outstanding Youth Science Foundation, Computational Harmonic Analysis

l  2011-2014, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Encoding and decoding methods in compressed sensing

l  2009-2011, National Natural Science Foundation of China, An interdisciplinary research between splines and discrete geometry

l  2005-2007, National Natural Youth Science Foundation of China, Using splines to count lattice points in polytopes: An interdisciplinary research between approximation theory and discrete mathematics


PhD Students Supervised


Da Gong (2009-2014) Currently working in industry.

Bing Gao (2012-2017) Currently an assistant professor at Nankai University

Meng Huang (2014-2019) Currently an associate professor at Beihang University

Zili Xu (2016-2021) Currently a postdoc at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Ziheng Zhu (2018-2023) Currently working in industry.



Master Degree Students


Wenhui Liu (2011-2014), Yuxuan Pang (2015-2018),Siqi Li (2020-2023)