Welcome to the Webpage of our Workshop


Regular Arrangments:

Sept 18-24
LP, SDP, Convex polyhedrals. IPM
Yinyu Ye, Yaxiang Yuan
Sept 25-Oct 8
Combinatorial Optimization at Work
M. Groetschel, T. Koch
Oct 9-Oct 15
Computational Biology
A. Dress, Z.J. Wu


Sep 27. 8:00-12:00, Siemens(SCNB) Visiting, Click here for more information.

Oct 6th. Evening, Mid-Autumn Party.

Oct 8th. 8:00-14:00, XiangShan Climbing.


1) Announcement (I) (II) (III), invitation letter.

2) Manual of the Workshop(Final), (Chinese Version).

3) Lecture Notes:

Prof Ye's Slides: here.

Prof Yuan's Slide: 1 2.

Prof Ye's talk: here.

Prof Grotschel's Slides: here.

Prof Dress's Slides: here.

4) Software: minmaxtsp, lsp, sedumi1.05.

5) Pictures in the first day, to siemens.

6) Homework of Prof. Wu.

7) The best group photos: here.

If you have any question, please contact: liuxin@lsec.cc.ac.cn