Conference: Nonlinear Waves--Theory and Applications |
(in alphabetical orders of organizers) |
1. |
Nonlinear waves and integrability |
Organizers: |
G.Biondini (The State University of New York at Buffalo, USA) |
B. Pelloni (University of Reading UK) |
2. |
matter waves of quantum gases |
Organizers: |
Joachim Brand (Massey
University Auckland, New Zealand) |
Chaohong Lee
(Australian National University, Australia) |
Yuri S. Kivshar
(Australian National University, Australia) |
8. |
Solitary wave
interactions and collisions in non-integrable systems |
Organizer: |
Haberman (Southern Methodist
University, USA): |
9. |
Painleve Analysis |
Organizer: |
Rod Halburd
(University College London, UK) |
10. |
Discrete and ultradiscrete integrable systems |
Organizers: |
Hirota (Prof. Emeritus, Waseda Univ. Japan) |
Takahashi (Waseda
Japan) |
11. |
Topics in Self-Focusing and
Ultrafast Lasers |
Organizer: |
Boaz Ilan
(School of Natural Sciences, University of California at Merced, USA) |
12. |
Theory and Applications on
the Nonlinear Wave Phenomena
in the Atmosphere and the Ocean |
Organizers: |
Sen-yue Lou
(Ningbo University,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China) |
De-hai Luo
(Ocean University of
China) |
13. |
Nonlinear Waves in Magnetic Systems |
Organizers: |
Carl E.Patton (Colorado State University,USA) |
Mingzhong Wu (Colorado State University, USA)
14. |
Integrable Systems |
Organizers: |
Orlando Ragnisco(Università di Roma Tre, Italy) |
Yun-Bo Zeng (Tsinghua University, China) |
15. |
Numerical Computation
of Nonlinear Waves |
Organizer: |
Semyon V. Tsynkov (North Carolina State University,USA) |