on Painleve Analysis
Rod Halburd (University College London)
Painleve analysis involves searching for singularity structures of
solutions of differential equations that are compatible with
integrability. In particular, any ordinary differential
possessing the Painleve property (that all movable sinularities of
all solutions are poles) is believed to be integrable. Painleve
analysis often provides a simple ``test'' for integrability. It
is especially effective in determining values of parameters for
which an equation is integrable. This kind of analysis was
first used by Kowalevskaya to find her famous integrable case of the
equations of motion of a spinning top.
Speakers List (in alphabetical order of authors):
1) Asma Al-Ghassani (Loughborough University,
"Analogues of Painlev\'e analysis"
2) Yik Man Chiang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China)
"Malmquist theorems for second-order ODEs"
3) Peter Clarkson (University of Kent at Canterbury,
"Vortices and polynomials"
4) Galina Filipuk (Loughborough University, UK)
"Movable branch points in solutions of ODEs"
Lafortune (College of Charleston, South Carolina, USA)
"Painlev\'e analysis for ultra-discrete equations"