International Conference: Nonlinear Waves--Theory and Applications


Numerical Computation of Nonlinear Waves
Organizer: Semyon V. Tsynkov (North Carolina State University, USA)

The speakers will present recent advances in the development of numerical methods for the simulation of nonlinear wave phenomena. Both time domain and frequency domain methods will be discussed as they apply to a variety of problems in optics, continuum mechanics, and other areas. 

Speakers List (in alphabetical order of authors): 

1) Saul Abarbanel (Tel Aviv University, Israel) 
  "Nonlinear PMLs"

2) Guy Baruch (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
  "Numerical Simulations of the nonlinear Helmholtz equation" 

3) John Boyd (University of Michigan, USA
  "Radial basis functions methods for large-scale geophysical waves

4) Adi Ditkowski (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
  "Grid generation for singular solutions of PDEs"

5) Zhongyi Huang (Tsinghua University,China)
  "An efficient numerical method for the wave equation in an inhomogeneous medium"

6) Brenton Lemesurier (College of Charleston Charleston, USA)
    Discrete Time Hamiltonian Equations and the Periodic Nonlinear  Schrodinger Equation

7) John Steinhoff (University of Tennessee Space Institute, USA)
   "Computing sharp wavefronts using nonlinear solitary waves"

8) Jianke Yang (University of Vermont, USA)
   “Efficient Iteration Methods for Solitary Waves and Their Stability Spectra”