International Conference: Nonlinear Waves--Theory and Applications


Nonlinear waves in geophysical fluid flows
Organizers: R.Grimshaw and C.C.Mei

The talks will describe some recent theoretical and modelling results for nonlinear water waves and internal waves.  The topics covered will include freak waves,  deterministic and random wave fields.

Speakers List (in alphabetical order of authors): 

1) Triantaphyllos Akylas (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
    Stability of lumps and wave collapse in water waves 

2) Wooyoung Choi (New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA)
   Short-wave instability of internal solitary waves and a  regularized long wave model"

3) KW Chow (The University of Hong Kong, China)
Exact solutions for a class of variable coefficient nonlinear Schroedinger equations 

4) Roger Grimshaw ( Loughborough University,UK)
   "Transcritical flow over a step"

5) Shijun Liao (Shanghai Jiaotong University, China): 
   "On the interaction of non-uniform current and nonlinear waves"

6) Paul Milewski (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)
   Dynamics of gravity-capillary waves in deep water 

7) Andre Nachbin (IMPA, Brasil)
   "An optimal Boussinesq model for solitary wave-microstructure interaction 

8) Natalia Stashchuk (University of Plymouth, UK)
   Nonlinear internal waves forced by supercritical tidal plume 

9) Vasily Vlasenko (University of Plymouth, UK)
   Three-dimensional evolution of large-amplitude internal waves in the Strait of Gibraltar