International Conference: Nonlinear Waves--Theory and Applications


Nonlinear Waves in Magnetic Systems

This symposium will bring together leading experimental and theoretical scientists in the field of nonlinear waves in magnetic systems. The symposium will consist of eight invited talks and three contributed talks. These talks will cover the most recent and important developments in nonlinear waves in magnetic systems. Emphasis will be placed on spin wave bullets, coupled spin wave solitons, spin wave bi-stabilities, spin wave parametric pumping, and chaotic spin waves in ferrite thin films; nonlinear interactions of spin waves in magnetic metallic thin films; topological solitons in magnetic nanometer- sized strips; line solitons in magnetic slabs; parametric instability in ferromagnetic strip elements; and spin-polarized current driven-spin wave bullets in magnetic nanostructures. 

Minisymposium organizers (in alphabetical order of authors)
Carl E. Patton (Colorado State University, USA)
Mingzhong Wu (Colorado State University, USA)

Speakers List (in alphabetical order of authors): 

1) Yongshan Cheng (Hubei Normal University, China)
   "Dynamics of Two Coupled Short Spin Wave Envelope Solitons"

2) Konstantin Yu. Guslienko (Seoul National University, South Korea)
   "Dynamics of Magnetic Topological Solitons in Restricted Geometry"

3) Burkard Hillebrands (Kaiserslautern University of Technology, Germany)
   "Nonlinear Optics with New Light: Optics with Spin Waves"

4) Ramaz Khomeriki (Tbilisi State University, Georgia)
   "Bistable Magnetization Profiles in Magnetic Thin Films"

5) Herve Leblond (UniversitdAngers, France)
   "Bi-dimensional Soliton Propagation in a Ferromagnetic Slab in the Short Wave Approximation"

6) Gennadiy A. Melkov (Kiev National Taras Shevchenko University, Ukraine)
   "Nonlinear Interactions of Spin Waves in Metallic Permalloy Films"

7) Andrei N. Slavin (Oakland University, USA)
   "Excitation of a Subcritically Unstable Nonlinear Spin-Wave Mode by Spin-Polarized Current in a Magnetic Nano-        Structure"