
Abstract Submission

To submit your abstract for SciCADE09, please follow the steps below:

  1. Please register for the SciCADE09 conference.
  2. Download the LaTeX template.
  3. Rename your LaTeX file according to SURNAME_FIRSTNAME.tex e.g. Abstract from Priscilla Tse should be renamed to TSE_PRISCILLA.tex. Please check that you can compile your LaTeX abstract template before submission.
  4. For submission, send the abstract tex and pdf file to the following email:

Please keep your abstract to no more than one page. If you have any problem with the LaTeX template or the abstract submission process please contact for assistance.

Abstract submission is NOW CLOSED.

For minisymposia speakers:

Please follow steps (1)-(3), but send your completed abstract tex and pdf files to your respective session organizers.


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Updated on Apr.22, 2009