We invite applicants to submit their papers to be considered for the New Talent Award. The winner of the best paper will be invited to give a plenary talk at SciCADE09 in Beijing. All local expenses will be covered for this speaker, and the registration fee will be waived as well.
Who is eligible to apply:
- candidates must be under 35 as of January 1, 2009; and
- candidate must not have completed the PhD more than 4 years ago (that is, before January 1, 2005).
Submission guidelines for New Talent Award:
- Those wishing to be considered for the New Talent Award are invited to submit an electronic manuscript by email to the conference origanizer, Jialin Hong (hjl@lsec.cc.ac.cn).
- Deadline for New Talent submission is January 26, 2009.
- A candidate may submit a jointly-authored paper, but the entry must primarily be the original work of the candidate. In this case we ask that the manuscript be sent along with a statement from the co-authors agreeing to the submission and detailing the candidate¡¯s contribution to the paper.
All entries for the New Talent Award will be considered by the SciCADE09 International Scientific Committee.
This year, the New Talent Award at SciCADE09 goes to Dr. Daan Huybrechs. Congratulations!