Main Research Interests
- Multilevel iterative solvers and their efficient implementation
- Multiphase multicomponent complex flows in porous media
- A posteriori error analysis and adaptive mesh refinement
Selected Publications
- A posteriori error analysis for parabolic variational inequalities, with K.-S. Moon, R. H. Nochetto and T. von Petersdorff, ESAIM: M2NA, 47 (2007)
- A posteriori error analysis for a class of integro-differential operators, with R. H. Nochetto, T. von Petersdorff, Numerische Mathematik, 116 (2010)
- A coarsening algorithm and multilevel methods on adaptive grids by newest vertex bisection, with L. Chen, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 28 (2010)
- Stable finite element discretizations for viscoelastic flow models, with Y.-J. Lee and J. Xu, Handbook of Numerical Analysis, 16 (2011)
- Global existence and uniqueness of solutions to discretized viscoelastic flow models, with Y.-J. Lee and J. Xu, M3AS, 28 (2011)
- Combined Preconditioning with Applications in Reservoir Simulation, with X. Hu, et al., Multiscale Modelling and Simulation, 11 (2013)
- On adaptive Eulerian-Lagrangian method for linear convection-diffusion problems, with X. Hu, Y.-J. Lee, and J. Xu, Journal of Scientific Computing, 58 (2014)
- A scalable hybrid solver for rate-type non-Newtonian fluid models, with Y.-J. Lee and W. Leng, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 300 (2016)
- Analytical decoupling techniques for fully implicit reservoir simulation, with C. Qiao, S. Wu, and J. Xu, Journal of Computational Physics, 336 (2017)
- On the ideal interpolation operator in algebraic multigrid methods, with X. Xu, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 56 (2018)
- Numerical simulation of an immersed rotating structure in fluid for hemodynamic applications, with W. Leng, et al., Journal of Computational Science, 30 (2019)
- Convergence analysis of inexact two-grid methods: A theoretical framework, with X. Xu, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 60 (2022)
- Linear solvers for petroleum reservoir simulation, Journal on Numerical Methods and Computer Applications, 43 (2022), in Chinese
- A Stokes-Darcy-Darcy model and its discontinuous Galerkin method on polytopic grids, with R. Li, Y. Gao, and Z. Chen, Journal of Computational Physics, 510 (2024)
- A Stokes-dual-porosity-poroelasticity model and discontinuous Galerkin method for the coupled free flow and dual porosity poroelastic medium problem, with R. Li and Z. Chen, Journal of Scientific Computing, 102 (2025)
Selected Public Talks
Selected Research Grants
- Jan/2024–Dec/2027: Strategic Priority Research Program (B) of the CAS, Participant
- Jan/2021–Dec/2025: National Key R&D Program of China, Participant
- Jan/2020–Dec/2023: Key Science and Technology Project of PetroChina, Participant
- Jan/2020–Dec/2023: National Science Foundation of China 11971472, PI
- Jan/2020–Dec/2020: Research Project of RIPED, PetroChina, PI
- Sep/2019–Dec/2020: Science Challenge Project, PI
- Jan/2016–Dec/2020: Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, PI
- July/2016–Dec/2020: National Key R&D Program of China, Participant
- Jan/2016–Dec/2018: Major Research Plan, NSFC 91530323, Participant
- Jan/2015–Dec/2018: Major Research Plan, NSFC 91430215, Participant
- Jan/2014–Dec/2016: Research Foundation for Returned Oversea Scholars, State Education Ministry, PI
- Jan/2012–Dec/2014: National Science Foundation of China 91130011, Participant
- Dec/2010–Dec/2012: China Postdoc Science Foundation 45210148–0072, PI
- Sep/2009–Aug/2012: US NSF DMS–0915153, co-PI