Feng Kang Distinguished Lecture 2013

Alfio Quarteroni is a Professor and Director of the Mathematics Institute of Computational Science and Engineering at 
EPFL, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (Switzerland). He is also the Director of the Center for Adva-
nced Modeling Science at the Politecnico di Milano (Italy). 
Professor Alfio Quarteroni works in the field of Mathematical Modelling, Numerical Analysis, Scientific Computing and
Numerical Approximation of Partial Differential Equations, with applications to: fluid mechanics; aerospace engineering; 
yacht engineering; geophysics; biomechanics; medical systems; acoustics, elastic, seismic and electromagnetic wave pr-
opagation phenomena; architectural landscape design by mathematical modeling; improvement of sports performance 
(America's cup sailing yachts, olympic rowing, swimsuits); sports and rehabilitation engineering. 
Professor Alfio Quarteroni has received many distinguished awards and honors including the NASA Group Achievement 
Award for the pioneering work in Computational Fluid Dynamics (1992), the SIAM Outstanding Paper Prize (2004), the 
IACM (International Association of Computational Mechanics) Fellow Award (2004), and Fellow of SIAM, the Society 
for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (since 2009). 
He was elected the member of the European Academy of Sciences, the Italian Academy of Sciences, the Lombard Aca-
demyof Science and Letters. He has been a plenary speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians ICM2006. 
His team has carried out the aerodynamic and hydrodynamic simulations for the optimization of Alinghi, the Swiss sailing
yacht that has won two editions of the America's Cup in 2003 and 2007.
Public Lecture: Mathematics for Industrial Innovation, Life Sciences, and the Environment
Time: 16:00-17:00, May 7, 2013
Venue: Lecture Hall of the Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Academic Lecture: Mathematical Models and Numerical Simulations for the Cardiovascular System 
Time: 10:00-11:00, May 9, 2013 
Venue: Room 311, Institute of Computational Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences             
Feng Kang Distinguished Lecture 2012
Feng Kang Distinguished Lecture 2011
Feng Kang Distinguished Lecture 2010

Feng Kang Distinguished Lecture 2009


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