Feng Kang Distinguished Lecture 2012

Stanley Osher  is a professor at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) 
and Director of Special Projects in the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics
 (IPAM). He got his PhD in 1966 in New York University.
Professor Osher has many contributions to the analysis and computation of hyperbolic 
equations and their applications in science and engineering. His many innovations in
numerical schemes for conservation laws and Hamilton-Jacobi equations and in the 
development of the level set method and its applications have had enormous impact 
across disciplinary boundaries in image processing, control, flow simulation, and many 
other fields. He was the recipient of many distinguished Prizes and Awards including the 
ICIAM Pioneering Prize (2003), SIAM Kleinman Prize (2005), and the US ACM Comp-
utational and Applied Sciences Award (2007). He was elected to the National Academy 
of Sciences in 2005 and American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2009. He was the 
plenary speaker of International Congress of Mathematicians in 2010. 
Public Lecture: Mathematics in Imaging and Information Science
Time: 16:00-17:00, April 12, 2012
Venue: Lecture Hall of the Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Academic Lecture: Applications and implications of fast methods for L1 related optimization  
Time: 10:00-11:00, April 13, 2012 
Venue: Room 311, Institute of Computational Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences             
Feng Kang Distinguished Lecture 2011
Feng Kang Distinguished Lecture 2010

Feng Kang Distinguished Lecture 2009


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