Lloyd Nicholas Trefethen FRS (http://people.maths.ox.ac.uk/trefethen/) is professor of numerical
analysis and head of the Numerical Analysis Group in the Mathematical Institute at the University of
Professor Trefethen obtained his PhD at Stanford in 1982. He has published over 120 journal papers
spanning a wide range of areas within numerical analysis and applied mathematics, including non-normal
eigenvalue problems and applications, spectral methods for differential equations, numerical linear algebra,
fluid mechanics, computational complex analysis, and approximation theory. He is perhaps best known for
his work on pseudospectra of non-normal matrices and operators. This work covers theoretical aspects as
well as numerical algorithms, and applications including fluid mechanics, numerical solution of partial differe-
ntial equations, numerical linear algebra, shuffling of cards, random matrices, differential equations and lasers.
Trefethen is currently an ISI highly cited researcher.
Trefethen was the first winner of the Leslie Fox Prize for Numerical Analysis. He is a Fellow of the Royal
Society and a member of the National Academy of Engineering in the USA. He is the current chairman of
Society on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM). |