Ya-Feng Liu

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Ya-Feng Liu (刘亚锋)
Associate Professor
Optimization Group
State Key Laboratory of Scientific and Engineering Computing
Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific/Engineering Computing
Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Short CV 中文简历


  • [Jul. 03, 2024] Our paper ‘‘Random ISAC Signals Deserve Dedicated Precoding’’ has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. [link]

  • [May 30, 2024] Our paper ‘‘A Survey of Advances in Optimization Methods for Wireless Communications’’ has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. [link]

  • [Apr. 02, 2024] Our paper ‘‘HPE Transformer: Learning to Optimize Multi-Group Multicast Beamforming Under Nonconvex QoS Constraints,’’ jointly with Dr. Yang Li, has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Communications. [link]

  • [Feb. 12, 2024] Our paper ‘‘Energy-Efficient Beamforming Design for Integrated Sensing and Communications Systems,’’ jointly with Jiaqi Zou et al., has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Communications. [link]

  • [Oct. 26, 2023] Our paper ‘‘Device Activity Detection in mMTC with Low-Resolution ADCs: A New Protocol,’’ jointly with Prof. Zhaorui Wang et al., has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. [link]

  • [Sept. 28, 2023] Our paper ‘‘Efficient CI-Based One-Bit Precoding for Multiuser Downlink Massive MIMO Systems with PSK Modulation,’’ jointly with my Ph.D. student Zheyu Wu, Prof. Bo Jiang, Prof. Mingjie Shao, and Prof. Yu-Hong Dai, has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. [link]

  • [Sept. 22, 2023] Our paper ‘‘A Riemannian exponential augmented Lagrangian method for computing the projection robust Wasserstein distance,’’ jointly with Prof. Bo Jiang, has been accepted for publication in the Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023). [link]

  • [Sept. 18, 2023] Our paper ‘‘Asymptotic SEP Analysis and Optimization of Linear-Quantized Precoding in Massive MIMO Systems,’’ jointly with my Ph.D. student Zheyu Wu, Prof. Junjie Ma, and Prof. A. Lee Swindlehurst, has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. [link]

  • [Sept. 14, 2023] We have given a talk, entitled ‘‘Nonconvex Complex Quadratic Programs: New Semidefinite Relaxations, Global Algorithms, and Signal Processing Applications,’’ in the IEEE Signal Processing Society Webinar. [link]

  • [Aug. 04, 2023] Our paper ‘‘Learning to Optimize QoS-Constrained Multicast Beamforming with HPE Transformer,’’ jointly with Dr. Yang Li, has been accepted for publication in 2023 IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom 2023).

  • [Jun. 20, 2023] Three papers have been accepted for publication in 2023 IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC). [link] [link] [link]

  • [Jun. 14, 2023] Our paper ‘‘Efficient Estimation of Sensor Biases for the 3-Dimensional Asynchronous Multi-Sensor System,’’ jointly with Dr. Wenqiang Pu and Prof. Zhi-Quan Luo, has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. [link]

  • [Apr. 27, 2023] Our JSAC proposal ‘‘Advanced Optimization Theory and Algorithms for Next Generation Wireless Communication Networks,’’ jointly with Prof. Tsung-Hui Chang, Prof. Mingyi Hong, Prof. Anthony Man-Cho So, Prof. Eduard A. Jorswieck, and Prof. Wei Yu, has been accepted. You are welcome to submit a paper to this JSAC special issue. The detailed call-for-paper information can be found here.

  • [Apr. 26, 2023] Our paper ‘‘New Semidenite Relaxations for a Class of Complex Quadratic Programming Problems,’’ jointly with Yingzhe Xu, Prof. Cheng Lu, and Prof. Zhibin Deng, has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Global Optimization. [link]

  • [Feb. 21, 2023] Our paper ‘‘Learning to Beamform in Joint Multicast and Unicast Transmission with Imperfect CSI,’’ jointly with Zhe Zhang and Prof. Meixia Tao, has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Communications. [link]

  • [Feb. 14, 2023] Our paper ‘‘CSI Sensing from Heterogeneous User Feedbacks: A Constrained Phase Retrieval Approach,’’ jointly with Lei Li, Prof. Tsung-Hui Chang et al., has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. [link]

  • [Feb. 6, 2023] Our paper ‘‘Towards Efficient Large-Scale Network Slicing: An LP Dynamic Rounding-and-Refinement Approach,’’ jointly with Dr. Wei-Kun Chen et al., has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. [link]

  • [Jan. 12, 2023] Our paper ‘‘Achievable Rate Maximization Pattern Design for Reconfigurable MIMO Antenna Array,’’ jointly with Haonan Wang, Prof. Ang Li et al., has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. [link]

  • [Jan. 11, 2023] Our survey paper ‘‘Optimization Problems and Methods for Resource Allocation in Wireless Communications (in Chinese),’’ jointly with Zheyu Wu, Dr. Wei-Kun Chen, and Prof. Yu-Hong Dai, has been accepted for publication in the SCIENTIA SINICA Mathematica (中国科学:数学). [pdf]

  • [Jan. 7, 2023] Our paper ‘‘Diversity Order Analysis for Quantized Constant Envelope Transmission,’’ jointly with Zheyu Wu, Jiageng Wu, and Dr. Wei-Kun Chen, has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing. [link]

  • [Nov. 18, 2022] It is my great honor to receive the Science and Technology Award for Young Scholars by the China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (CSIAM). Some press release can be found here and here.

  • [Nov. 9, 2022] It is my great honor to be re-elected as a member of SPCOM-TC (Signal Processing for Communications and Networking Technical Committee) of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. SPCOM-TC members’ responsibilities include reviewing papers for two flagship conferences ICASSP and SPAWC as well as nominating and voting various paper and society awards.

  • [Oct. 18, 2022] My name was among the single year World's Top 2% Scientists List by Standford University. [link]

  • [Sept. 19, 2022] Our paper ‘‘Asynchronous Activity Detection for Cell-Free Massive MIMO: From Centralized to Distributed Algorithms,’’ jointly with Dr. Yang Li, Qingfeng Lin, Prof. Bo Ai, and Prof. Yik-Chung Wu, has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.

  • [Sept. 13, 2022] Our paper ‘‘Learning to Beamform in Multi-Group Multicast with Imperfect CSI,’’ jointly with Zhe Zhang and Prof. Meixia Tao, has been accepted for publication in the 14th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP 2022).

  • [May 27, 2022] Our paper ‘‘Efficiently and Globally Solving Joint Beamforming and Compression Problem in the Cooperative Cellular Network via Lagrangian Duality,’’ jointly with my Master student Xilai Fan and Dr. Liang Liu, has received the Best Student Paper Award of ICASSP 2022. Some press release can be found here and here.

  • [Feb. 25, 2022] Our paper ‘‘Secure Dual-Functional Radar-Communication Transmission: Exploiting Interference for Resilience Against Target Eavesdropping,’’ jointly with Nanchi Su, Prof. Fan Liu, Zhongxiang Wei, and Prof. Christos Masouros, has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. [link]

  • [Jan. 14, 2022] Our paper ‘‘Covariance-Based Joint Device Activity and Delay Detection in Asynchronous mMTC,’’ jointly with Dr. Zhaorui Wang and Prof. Liang Liu, has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Signal Processing Letters. [link]

  • [Jan. 12, 2022] Our paper ‘‘Joint Design of Hybrid Beamforming and Reflection Coefficients in RIS-aided mmWave MIMO Systems,’’ jointly with Renwang Li, Bei Guo, Prof. Meixia Tao, and Prof. Wei Yu, has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Communications.

  • [Dec. 8, 2021] Our paper ‘‘Cramer-Rao Bound Optimization for Joint Radar-Communication Beamforming,’’ jointly with Prof. Fan Liu, Prof. Ang Li, Prof. Christos Masouros, and Prof. Yonina Eldar, has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. [link]

  • [Nov. 9, 2021] Our paper ‘‘Phase Transition Analysis for Covariance Based Massive Random Access with Massive MIMO,’’ jointly with Dr. Zhilin Chen, Dr. Foad Sohrabi, and Prof. Wei Yu, has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. [link]

  • [Aug. 23, 2021] Our paper ‘‘User Grouping and Reflective Beamforming for IRS-Aided URLLC,’’ jointly with Hailiang Xie and Prof. Jie Xu et al., has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. [link]

  • [July 29, 2021] Our paper ‘‘Uplink-Downlink Duality Between Multiple-Access and Broadcast Channels with Compressing Relays,’’ jointly with Prof. Liang Liu, Pratik Patil, and Prof. Wei Yu, has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. [link]

  • [July 24, 2021] It is my great honor and pleasue to give a short course entitled mathematical optimization methods in wireless communications in the National Center for Applied Mathematics (Chongqing), July 20–23, 2021. [海报]

  • [May 25, 2021] Our patent ‘‘System and Method for Network Slicing for Service-Oriented Networks,’’ joint with Nan Zhang, Hamid Farmanbar, Prof. Tsung-Hui Chang, Prof. Mingyi Hong, and Prof. Zhi-Quan Luo, has been granted. [link]

  • [May 22, 2021] Our paper ‘‘Optimal Network Slicing for Service-Oriented Networks with Flexible Routing and Guaranteed E2E Latency,’’ jointly with Dr. Wei-Kun Chen, Dr. Antonio De Domenico, Prof. Yu-Hong Dai, and Prof. Zhi-Quan Luo, has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management. [link]

  • [May 16, 2021] Our paper ‘‘Traffic-Aware Task Offloading Based on Convergence of Communication and Sensing in Vehicular Edge Computing,’’ jointly with Yanli Qi, Prof. Yiqing Zhou et al. has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Internet of Things Journal. [link]

  • [Mar. 16, 2021] Together with Prof. Pavlo A. Krokhmal, Prof. Jiming Peng, and Prof. Zi Xu, we are organizing a special issue for 2020 International Workshop on Modern Optimization and Applications in JoGO. More details can be found here. Welcome your submission!

  • [Mar. 5, 2021] Our paper ‘‘An Efficient Quadratic Programming Relaxation Based Algorithm for Large-Scale MIMO Detection,’’ jointly with Ping-Fan Zhao (Master Student), Prof. Qing-Na Li, and Dr. Wei-Kun Chen, has been accepted for publication in the SIAM Journal on Optimization. [link]

Research Interests

  • My main research interests are nonlinear optimization and its applications to signal processing, wireless communications, and machine learning. I am particularly interested in characterizing the computational complexity of and designing efficient algorithms for optimization problems arising from these applications.

  • My current research interests are sparse optimization, global optimization, large-scale optimization, and various optimization problems from beyond 5G communications and big data applications.


  • I am looking for self-motivated students with solid mathematical background who are interested in pursuing Master's or Ph.D. degrees. Please send me an email (with a copy of your resume) for details.


P.O. Box 2719, No. 55, ZhongGuanCun DongLu
HaiDian District, Beijing 100190, China

Tel: (86) 8254-1018
Fax: (86) 8254-1993
Office: Room 406, LanBai Building
Email: yafliu at lsec.cc.ac.cn