会议日程, 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院南楼204会议室
2015年12月10日, 周四
08:30-08:45, 开幕式: 袁亚湘致辞、周爱辉致辞,主持人: 刘歆
08:45-09:00, 合影: 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院南楼门口
09:00-10:00, 主持人: 戴小英
09:00-09:30, 许志强: How many measurements are needed to recover low
rank matrices?
09:00-09:30, 陆帅: Multi-frequency inverse acoustic source problems
10:00-10:20, 茶歇
10:20-11:50, 主持人: 许志强
10:20-10:50, 陆遥: TBA
10:50-11:20, 张小群: A wavelet frame method with shape prior for ultrasound
video segmentation
11:20-11:50, 高兴誉: Large-scale first-principles molecular dynamic simulations
for threshold displacement energy calculations of metals
11:50-14:00, 午餐
14:00-15:30, 主持人: 李启寨
14:00-14:30, 杨志坚: An effective and easy-to-implement boundary condition
for molecular dynamics simulations
14:30-15:00, 盛志强: 扩散方程的非线性保正格式
15:00-15:30, 张继伟: Coarse-graining and reduction for spiking neuronal network
dynamics ranging from homogeneity to synchrony
15:30-15:50, 茶歇
15:50-17:20, 主持人: 张辉
15:50-16:20, 李启寨: Group-combined P-values with applications to genetic
association studies
16:20-16:50, 张磊: Mechanism of Pattern Formation in Cell Biology
16:50-17:20, 夏勇: On the ball-constrained weighted maximin dispersion problem
17:30-19:00, 晚餐
2015年12月11日, 周五
09:00-10:00, 主持人: 张世华
09:00-09:30, 张辉: 柱形受限下聚合物球状相的形变
09:30-10:00, 徐立伟: Numerical methods for the direct and inverse scattering problems in time-domain
10:00-10:20, 茶歇
10:20-11:50, 主持人: 谢和虎
10:20-10:50, 文再文: Large scale eigenvalue computation using tensor-train
10:50-11:20, 凌青: Learning deep L0 encoders
11:20-11:50, 张世华: 基于非负矩阵分解的数据整合方法及其应用
11:50-14:00, 午餐
14:00-15:30, 主持人: 文再文
14:00-14:30, 马坚伟: TBA
14:30-15:00, 董 彬: Wavelet frames on non-flat domains and applications
15:00-15:30, 杨俊锋: A gauge optimization approach for robust principal
component analysis
15:30-15:50, 茶歇
15:50-17:20, 主持人: 刘歆
15:50-16:20, 张然: The weak Galerkin method for Laplacian eigenvalue
16:20-16:50, 谢和虎: Multigrid methods for eigenvalue problems
16:50-17:20, 专题讨论及闭幕式, 主持人: 戴小英
17:30-19:00, 晚餐