Ya-Feng Liu - Presentations and Talks

Selected Presentations and Talks

  • One-Bit Precoding in Massive MIMO: Algorithm Design and Performance Analysis

  • Nonconvex Complex Quadratic Programming

    • IEEE Signal Processing Society Webinar (online), Sept. 14, 2023 (with Cheng Lu and Jing Zhou)

  • Uplink-Downlink Duality in Wireless Communications: Where Lagrange Meets Shannon

    • 第二届数学技术与新一代通信技术研讨会, Xi'an, China, Mar. 3–4, 2023

    • Long Feng Science Forum Seminar Series (online), Feb. 23, 2023

    • Annual Meeting of ICMSEC, Beijing, China, Jan. 10–11, 2022

    • 第二届“系统论-信息论-博弈论”三论融合学术会议—暨北京邮电大学校庆学术论坛, Oct. 14, 2021

    • 电子科技大学学术沙龙, Chengdu, China, Sept. 17, 2021

  • Massive Random Access with Massive MIMO for 5G and Beyond: An Optimization Perspective

    • 华为自动驾驶网络·百家讲坛, Shanghai, China, Jan. 16, 2024

    • Workshop on CS, Learning Theory, and Applications, Hangzhou, China, May 12–15, 2021

    • The 1st Data Intelligence & Network Optimization (DINO) Forum, Shanghai, China, Nov. 7–8, 2021

  • Towards Efficient Massive MIMO Detection: Antenna Efficiency and Algorithm

    • International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks (CECNet 2021), Beijing, China, Nov. 18–21, 2021

    • The 13rd National Conference on Mathematical Optimization, Qingdao, China, October 15–18, 2021

    • The 5th China-Brazil Symposium on Applied and Computational Mathematics, Dongguan, China, August 23–24, 2021

  • Recent Advances in MIMO Detection and Related Problems

    • Mathematics Colloquium #37 (online), School of Mathematical Sciences, Sunway University, Malaysia, August 6, 2021

    • 中国运筹学会运筹千里纵横论坛 (online), May 6, 2021

  • Mathematical Optimization and 5G Mobile Communication System Design

    • International Conference on Optimization Theory and Applications, Xiangtan, China, December 27–30, 2019

    • Advanced Workshop on Machine Learning and Data Analytics, Rizhao, China, December 7–8, 2019

    • China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (CSIAM), Foshan, China, September 20–22, 2019

  • Semidefinite Relaxations for MIMO Detection: Tightness, Tighterness, and Beyond

    • Workshop on Recent Advances in Theories and Applications of Data Science, TSIMF, Sanya, China, December 2–6, 2019

    • Workshop on Matrix Optimization, Beijing, China, November 29–30, 2019

    • CAS AMSS-PolyU Joint Laboratory of Applied Mathematics Meeting 2019, Shenzhen, China, August 22–23, 2019

    • The Third Conference on Scientific and Engineering Computing for Young Chinese Scientists, Beijing, China, August 17–21, 2019

    • The Sixth International Conference on Continuous Optimization (ICCOPT), Berlin, Germany, August 5–8, 2019

    • Workshop on Data-Driven Optimization Methods and Applications, Changchun, China, July 6–7, 2019

    • Workshop on Polynomial Optimization Theory and Applications, Xiangtan, China, June 22–23, 2019

  • A New and Enhanced Semidefinite Relaxation for a Class of Nonconvex Complex Quadratic Problems with Applications in Wireless Communications

    • Chinese Mathematical Society 2018 Annual Conference, Guizhou, China, October 20–21, 2018

    • The 4th Brazil-China Symposium on Applied and Computational Mathematics, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, July 23–27, 2018

    • The Second International Conference on Mathematical Characterization, Analysis and Applications of Complex Information, Beijing, China, June 30–July 1, 2018

    • 2018 International Workshop on Signal Processing, Optimization and Control, Nanjing, China, June 21–23, 2018

    • AMSS-PolyU Joint Workshop on Applied Mathematics, Beijing, China, January 5–6, 2018

    • IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China, Qingdao, China, October 22–24, 2017

  • Optimal Estimation of Sensor Biases for Asynchronous Multi-Sensor Data Fusion

    • The 11th Conference of the Operations Research Society of China, Chongqing, China, October 12–15, 2018

    • Annual Conference of the China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Chengdu, China, September 13–16, 2018

  • On the Non-Ergodic Convergence Rate of an Inexact Augmented Lagrangian Framework for Composite Convex Programming

    • IT@UofT Seminar, University of Toronto, April 3, 2017

    • Workshop on Variational Analysis with Applications, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, December 13-14, 2016

    • Annual Meeting of Youth Innovation Promotion Association CAS, Chengdu, China, November 16–18, 2016

    • The 10th Conference of the Operations Research Society of China, Kunming, China, October 13–17, 2016

    • International Conference on Numerical Analysis, Approximation and Optimization, Beijing, China, August 5-7, 2016

    • 2015 Workshop on Frontiers in Computational and Applied Mathematics, Beijing, China, November 21-22, 2015

  • Resource Allocation for Wireless Communications: An Optimization Perspective

    • Electronic and Information Engineering Young Scholars’ Symposium, Xi'an, China, November 18–19, 2017

    • The 11th National Conference on Mathematical Programming, Guilin, China, May 11–15, 2017

  • Lp (0<p<1) Regularization Algorithms for Optimization over Permutation Matrices

    • 2017 Workshop on Tensor and Computational Optimization, Beijing, China, July 7–8, 2017

    • 2017 International Youth Forum on Computational Mathematics, Shanghai, China, June 3–5, 2017

    • 2015 Nanjing International Conference on Numerical Optimization and Applications, Nanjing, China, November 27-29, 2015

  • Composite Lq (0<q<1) Minimization over Polyhedron

    • The Fifth International Conference on Continuous Optimization (ICCOPT), Tokyo, Japan, August 6–11, 2016

    • The 8th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM), Beijing, China, August 10-14, 2015

    • International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP), Pittsburgh, USA, July 12-17, 2015

    • Annual General Meeting of Hong Kong Mathematical Society, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, May 23, 2015

    • AMSS-PolyU JRI 10th Anniversary Workshop, Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China, February 9-10, 2015

    • 2015 Workshop on Numerical Optimization, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, January 3-4, 2015

    • 2014 Workshop for Young Chinese Computational Mathematicians, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, December 13-14, 2014

    • 2014 Workshop on Optimization for Modern Computation, Peking University, Beijing, China, September 2-4, 2014

  • Joint Channal and Power Allocation in the OFDMA System: Complexity Analysis and An Iterative Reweighted Minimization Framework

    • International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brisbane, Australia, April 19-24, 2015

  • Optimal Resource Allocation for Wireless Communications: Complexity Analysis and Algorithm Design

    • 2014 Workshop on Signal Processing, Optimization, and Control (SPOC), National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, China, December 22-25, 2014

    • Institute of Network Coding/Department of Information Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, October 22, 2014

  • Joint Power and Admission Control(: A Sparse Optimization Perspective)

    • SIAM Conference on Optimization, Vancouver, Canada, May 22–25, 2017

    • 2014 Chinese Mathematical Programming Meeting, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang, China, May 9-12, 2014

    • 2013 PKU Workshop on Optimization and Data Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China, December 22, 2013

  • Non-Convex Lq Minimization Approximation

    • The 9th International Conference on Numerical Optimization and Numerical Linear Algebra, Changchun, China, September 12-15, 2013

  • An Efficient Truncated Newton-CG Algorithm for the Smallest Enclosing Ball Problem of Huge Dimensions

    • The 4th International Conference on Continuous Optimization (ICCOPT), Lisbon, Portugal, July 27-August 1, 2013

  • Joint Power and Admission Control: Non-Convex Approximation and A Polynomial-Time Deflation Approach

    • The 2nd International Workshop on Mathematical Issues in Information Sciences (MIIS), Xi'an, China, June 29-July 4, 2013

  • Joint Power and Admission Control: Non-Convex Approximation, Complexity, and A Polynomial-Time Deflation Approach

    • IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), Darmstadt, Germany, June 16-19, 2013

  • Max-Min Fairness Linear Transceiver Design Problem for a SIMO Interference Channel is Polynomial Time Solvable

    • International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Vancouver, Canada, May 26-31, 2013

  • Joint Power and Admission Control via p Norm Minimization Deflation

    • International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Vancouver, Canada, May 26-31, 2013

  • Max-Min Fairness Linear Transceiver Design for a Multi-User MIMO Interference Channel

    • The 2nd Sino-German Workshop on Optimization, Modeling, Methods, and Applications in Industry and Management, Beijing, China, September 23-27, 2012

    • International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP), Berlin, Germany, August 19-24, 2012

    • IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Kyoto, Japan, June 5-9, 2011

  • An Efficient Distributed Algorithm for Joint Power and Admission Control

    • The 31th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), Hefei, China, July 25-27, 2012

  • Joint Power and Admission Control via Linear Programming Deflation

    • IEEE ICASSP, Kyoto, Japan, March 25-30, 2012

  • On the Complexity of Interference Alignment Feasibility Problem

    • Chinese Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China, May 22-25, 2010