2.The first announcement of 2010' Annual Conference of Beijing Operation Research Society. Click HERE.
1. The announcement of The Second International Workshop on Computational Inverse Problems and Applications. Click HERE.
2. The announcement of The 2009' Annual Conference of Beijing Operation Research Society. Click HERE.
1. We will have group dinner on Mar. 26th after Dr Ye Lu's talk, in Wu-ke hotel (VIP Room 5-6). We will meet at 5:30 p.m. in front of our institute.
11. The information about the annual meeting of Beijing OR Society, click info
10. Academic brother Dr. Li Duoquan set up a talking gruop in QQ, the group number is 73408637, welcome to join us.
9. We set up a group BLOG space in SINA, where we can communicate with each other, share pictures, and propose ideas on various topics. And everyone of our group can be the administrator :-). The address is http://blog.sina.com.cn/optimalife. Username: optim.5@163.com, Password: optimization
8. Visiting Fragrant Hill. Start out at 8:30 on Oct. 2nd in front of our institute, by bike. Come back to our institute at about 15:30 on Oct. 3rd.
7. Hai Dian Park. Start out at 13:00 on Sep. 15th, in front of our institute, by bike.
6. Prof. Yin-yu Ye will give talk in Beijing Jiaotong university on July 7,8, welcome to participate. information
5. Optimization and Regularization for Computational Inverse Problems and Applications,A workshop at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics The Chinese Academy of Sciences, July 21 – July 25, 2008 schedule information
4. May 4th, group activity, 12:30, start from our institute.
3. NPA2008, a conference will be held in our academy during Apr. 7-9, information
2. Post-doctor Position provided by Prof Wenbao Ai, information
1. Sino-japanese conference in the coming two days, schedule
8. Christmas Dinner: 18:00-, Dec 25th, 2007; the 4th floor of the WuKe restaurant.
7. Information about the annual meeting of Chinese Mathematical Society, click info1, info2.
6. The information about the annual meeting of Beijing OR Society, click info, prog.
5. Abstract of "2nd Mathematical Programming Society International Conference on Continuous Optimization"
4. Visiting Fragrant Hill. Start out at 8:30 on Oct. 4th in front of our institute, by bike. Come back to our institute at about 15:30 on Oct. 5th.
3. May 2nd, 7:30(Gate of our institue)-17:00, Mountain Climbing: Jiu Feng National Forest Park.
2. The first announcement of a summer school in Shandong.
1. We will have group dinner on Mar.23rd in Wu-ke hotel. We can meet at 5:30 in front of our institute.
8. We will have group dinner on Dec.31th in Wu-ke hotel. We can meet at 5:30 in front of our institute.
7. Worshop 2006(Sept 18-Oct 15), please click here for more information.
6. Contact information of the graduated members of our seminar, please click here for more information.
5. Tsinghua Meeting: July 9th (9:30, B106 The secondary school attached to Tsinghua University), we start off at 8:40 from our institute by bike.
4.May 11th, 10:00-12:00, Prof. Yin-yu Ye(Stanford University,USA), A Semidefinite Programming Approach to Graph Realization
2. About our volleyball game, please Click Here
1. Feb. 14th, 16:00-18:00, Prof. Jin-yun Yuan(Brazil),研究方法漫谈
9. 12月31日 17:30在蓝白楼门口集合,课题组新年聚餐。
7. 北京运筹学会 2005 年年会12月24日(周六)与北京理工大学举办,如需参加的同学们,上午八点在蓝白楼门口集合统一前去,也可自行前去,注意安全。详情请见:BOR2005年会通知
6. 欢迎课题组成员申报北京运筹学会优秀论文,详情请见:BOR2005年会通知
5. Nov. 9th, 10:00-11:00, Prof. Shu-Zhong Zhang(Hong Kong Polytechnic University),
4. Nov. 7th, 10:00-11:00, Prof. Li-qun Qi(Hong Kong Polytechnic University),
Eigenvalues of Tensors and Their Applications
3. 定期学术报告,10月27日下午4:00-5:00,袁老师。详情请见:Colloquia information
2. 博士后报告,10月26日下午4:00-5:00,王征宇。详情请见:Postdocs' Seminars
1. 北京运筹学会 2005 年国际学术研讨会10月16日上午9点在清华大学理科楼1112举办,如需参加的同学8:20在蓝白楼门口集合。也可自行前去。详情请见:运筹学会通知