Frequency-adaptive multi-scale deep neural networks
Advanced Solvers for Frequency-Domain Wave Problems and Applications, TSIMF, 2025,01,23, 三亚
HaTT: Hadamard avoiding TT recompression
Optimization, Analytics, and Decisions in the Big Data - 2024,06,20, 希腊, 塞萨洛尼基
APTT: An accuracy-preserved tensor-train method for the Boltzmann-BGK equation
数值计算方法与应用研讨会 - 2023,12,16, 电子科技大学, 成都
International Conference on Scientific Computation and Differential Equations - 2024,07,17, 新加坡
Seminar talk at NUS - 2024,12,12, 新加坡
Energy stable schemes for gradient flows based on the DVD method
ICIAM - 2023,8,22, Tokyo, Japan
A preconditioned inexact Newton algorithm for steady state lattice Boltzmann equations
反问题与 PDE 计算研讨会, Xi'An, China, Apr. 13-14, 2019
A lattice Boltzmann model for two-phase flows on rough surface
CCCM - ISCM 2016, China, Hangzhou
Workshop on Computational Methods for Interface Problems & Applications - 2019526, China, Guangzhou
CSCM (计算数学年会2019) - 2019,8,2, China, Haerbin
A multi-scale asymptotic approach for the combustion materials
The 8-th International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians - 2019614, China, Beijing
ICIAM - 2019,7,17, Spain, Valencia