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The Fourth International Summer School on Numerical Linear Algebra

Guiyang, July 16-30, 2011


   Numerical linear algebra arises in many areas of scientific computing and  engineering applications and it forms the basis and the core of modern numerical analysis. To attract attention and cultivate interest of young scientists, the ^Fourth International Summer School on Numerical Linear Algebra ̄ will be organized during July 16-30, 2011, at Guizhou Normal University. The main topics of this summer school include the classical subjects of numerical linear algebra and its modern applications in science and tecnology.

   Graduate students as well as young scientists of ages less than 35 (born after January 1st, 1976), graduated within the last five years (received a Master or Ph.D. degree after January 1st, 2006) and working on numerical linear algebra, can apply for the summer school.  Forty paticipants will be selected and approved by the Selection Committee in May of 2011.