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集成电路寄生参数提取软件 ParAFEMImp

ParAFEMImp is a parallel package for wideband impedence extraction in very complicated geometries of conductor. It is based on the recently developed adaptive finite element method for the circuit/field couplings problems and the development of PHG. ParAFEMImp has the potential of good parallel scalbility.

三维并行结构分析软件 PHG-Solid

PHG-Solid is an open source parallel adaptive FEM software for 3D structural analysis. It is based on the 3D parallel adaptive finite element toolbox PHG. It features parallel adaptive finite element analysis for pure 3D structures.


The goal of CaPHG is to integrate Cactus with PHG, an FEM library to help the application development with both FEM and DG methods on unstructure meshes. The motivation is to take advantage of the programmability of the Cactus computational framework and the performance and scalability of the PHG library to provide an integrated problem solving environment to solve large scale scientific problems on high-end computing facilities.


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