每周一,周三 (10.00 -- 12.00) 上课(中科院研究生院)
每周二下午 讨论班(3.30-5.30) (计算数学所3楼报告厅)
2013.12.13-15, ICOTA-9, Taiwan.
2013.7.29-8.1 ICCOPT-2013, Coimbra, Portugal,
2012.8.19-24, ISMP-2012, Berlin, Germany
2012.05.12-24, OMS conference, Crete, Greece.
2012.02.01-28, Visiting Professor Hulin WU, Rochester, New York, USA
2012.01.4-7, International Conference dedicated to the 60th birthday of Prof Tony Chan, Chinese University of Hong Kong,
2011.11.07-11, International Conference on Numerical Optimization and Numerical Linear Algebra, XiaMen, China.
2011.09.26-29, Sino-Japan Optimization Conference, Beijing, China.
2011.09.02-4, The 5th IEEE International Conference on Systems Biology (ISB 2011), Zhuhai, China
2011.08.19-21, Jilin University, ChangChun, CHINA
2011.08.13-15, FuZhou, Fujian, China
2011.08.9-12, Council meeting of ORSC, Hohot, Inner Mongolia, China
2011.07-18-22, the 7th ICIAM, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
2011.07.10-15, IFORS 2011, Melbourne, Australia.
2011.07.4-6, Foundation of Computational Math, Budapest, Hungary
2011.055.16-19, SIAM Conference on Optimization, Darmstadt, Germany.
2010.12.15-2011.01.14, City University of Hong Kong, China.
2010.12.9-14, ICOTA-8, Fudan University, Shanghai, China,
2010.07.02-12, International Workshop on Optimization, Erice, Sicily, Italy.
2010.05.18-08.18, Bayereuth University, Germany, visiting Prof K. Schittkowski
2010.01.18-01.22, Hong Kong Baptist University, International Conference on Structured Matrices
2009.12.20-23, Hunan, (Xiangtan University, Changsha University of Sci & Tech, etc)
2009.11.27-29, Nankai University, Tianjin
2009.08.23-08.28, Chicago, USA, International Symposium of Mathematical Programming
2009.08.21-10.20, University of Minnesota, visiting Prof. Tom Luo.
2009.08.15-19, Lijiang, Yunan, China, 7th International Conference on Numerical Optimization and Numerical Linear Algebra.
2009.05.20-24, Oslo, Norway, ICIAM Board meeting.
2009.05.08-10, Chang Bai Mountain, ORSC executive council meeting.
2009.03.02-06, Hanoa, Vietnam, 4th International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing.
2008.12.15-17, Veszprém, Hungary, The Veszprém Optimization Conference.
2008.10.13-17, Nanjing, China, The 2008 Annual Conference of OR Society of China.
2008.08.27-30, Cheng Kung Univesity, Tainan, Taiwan, China, Sino-Japan Joint Conference on Optimization Methods(SIOM2008).
2008.07.28-31, Campinas, Brazil, Workshop on Continuous Optimization.
2008.07.14-18, South African, IFORS 2008.
2008.06.16-26, Hong Kong, China, Foundation of Computational Mathematics.
2008.05.10-13, SIAM Conference on Optimization, Boston, USA.
2008.03.20-21, Belgium Annual Conference on Mathematical Programming, Han-sur-Lesse, Belgium.
2008.01.9-25, Workshop on "Computational Biology", IMA, University of Minnesota, USA.
2008.01.06-03.28, University of Cambridge.
2007.12.11-21, Kobe, Japan. ICOTA-2007.
. 2007.10.8-12.8 University of Cambridge.
2007.9.7-9.12, Urumqi, Internationl Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization.
2007.7.31-8.9, Erice, Italy, Workshop on ``New Problems and Innovative methods in nonlinear optimization''.
2007.7.21-7.28, Bayreuth, Germany, Workshop on Optimization
2007.7.15-7.20, Zurich, Switzerland, ICIAM 2007
2007.7.8-7.13, Berlin, Germnay, visiting Prof. Martin Groetschel
2007.7.4-7.7, Prague, Czech, EUROPT-OMS 2007.
2006.3.6-10, Hanoi, Vietnam, Conference on High performance computing
2006.1.19-24, Hong Kong, visiting Prof L.Q. Qi
2006.1.16-18, Manila, Philippes, APORS meeting
2005.5.15-19, SIAM Optimization Conference, Stockholm, Sweden.
2004.2.26-28, Florida, USA: Conference on Multiscale Optimization Methods and Applications
2003.10.6-10, 广西桂林: 数值优化与数值代数国际会议
2003.9.25-26, 日本, 东京,the Fifteenth RAMP Symposium
2003.8.18-22, 丹麦,哥本哈根: 国际数学规划会议.
2002.12.19-22, 上海大学: 数学规划国际会议
2002.12.15-18, 杭州, 浙江大学; OMS 国际会议
2002.11.8-11, 云南省元阳县: 中国科协国际部组织的会议“2002年国际合作青年科学家主题研讨会: 科学与可持续发展”
=================== Conference before 2002:
1983.6.28 -- 7.1: 第十届Dundee Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis (苏格兰, Dundee)
1984.7.23 -- 8.2: 北约Advanced Study Institute on Computational Mathematical Programming (德国, Bad Windsheim)
1985.8.5 -- 8.9: 第十二届International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (美国, Boston)
1985.6.25 -- 6.28: 第十一届Dundee Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis (苏格兰, Dundee)
1986.6.: 首届L. Fox 奖授奖大会(英国, London)
1987.6.23 -- 6.26: 第十二届Dundee Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis (苏格兰, Dundee)
1988.7.18 -- 7.22: 第十二届IMACS Conference on Scientific Computation (法国, Paris)
1990.8.14 -- 8.19: 亚洲数学家会议(香港)
1990.8.21 -- 8.29: International Congress of Mathematicians (日本, 京都)
1991.7.8 -- 7.11: 第二届SIAM Meeting (美国, Washington)
1991.8.5 -- 8.9: 第十四届International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (荷兰, Amsterdam)
1992.8.13 -- 8.17: 第一届Plovdiv International Colloqium on Numerical Analysis (保加利亚, Plovdiv)
1993.4.12 -- 4.16: GAMM-Jahrestagung 1993 (德国, Dresden)
1994.3.17 -- 3.19: Conference on Scientific Computing (香港)
1994.8.3 -- 8.11: International Congress of Mathematicians (瑞士, Z\"urich)
1994.8.15 -- 8.19: 第十五届International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (美国, Ann Arbor)
1995.5.18 -- 5.21: 中国数学会六十周年年会(中国, 北京)
1995.7.3 -- 7.8: 第三届SIAM Meeting(德国, Hamburg)
1996.7.9 -- 7.17: 第二届国际非线性科学会议(希腊, 雅典)
1996.9.2 -- 9.5: 96'非线性规划国际会议(中国, 北京)
1997.8.25 -- 8.29. 第十六届International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (瑞士, Lausanne)
1998.1.19 -- 1.23: ``First Pacific Rim Conference Mathematics''(中国, 香港),
1998.6.15 -- 6.19: International Conference on Partial Differential Equations and Numerical Analysis (中国, 北京), 特邀报告
1998.7.20 -- 7.22: Optimization 98(葡萄牙, Coimbra)
1998.12.12 -- 12.16: ``International Cogress on Contemporary Mathemtics'' (中国, 北京), 45分钟邀请报告
1998.12.15 -- 12.18: International conference on Nonlinear Programming and Variational Inequalities(中国, 香港), 大会报告.
1999.7.5 -- 7.9: 第四届国际工业与应用数学大会, (英国, Edinburgh), 大会报告.
1999.7.12 --7.16: ``IFIP TC7 Conference'' (英国, Cambridge)
2000.8.4 -- 8.10: ``International Symposium on Mathematical Programming'' (Atalanta, USA)