Tsunami and Coastal Dynamics |
Organizers: |
Chiang C. Mei (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U. S. A. ) |
Philip Liu (Cornell University, U. S. A. ) |
Long the source of inspiration for artists, poets and writers, ocean waves have fascinated and challenged scientists and engineers for centuries for their intricate dynamics requiring powerful tools for their analysis and prediction, and ingeneous technology for their control and utilization. Scientific advances in the past few decades on nonlinear-wave dynamics in general owe a good deal to the developments in ocean surface waves. Whether due to wind, earthquakes or human activities, their occurrence, propagation and impact on shorelines and global climate are of immense importance to the environment and to human livelihood.
Research activities among scientists and engineers have been catapulted by recent tsunami in Indian ocean and Japan and by frequent occurence of freak waves. On the other hand the mutual influence of sea waves on coast lines have always been a challenging topic requiring the contributions from separate disciplines. In this minisymposium we have invited active researchers from all continents to discuss several fascinating aspects of ocean wave physics, with particular emphasis on the dynamical behavior in shallow seas and impact on the coast. In addition to mainly theoretical analyses, there will be papers dealing with experimental investigations and environmental implications. We hope this minisymposium will not only highlight the accomplishments and needs in water-wave studies, but also stimulate the exchange of ideas with other branches of wave physics. |
List of Speakers: |
1) Taro Arikawa ( Port and Airport Research Institute, Japan ) |
"Development of Solid-Gas-Liquid 3-phase Calculation System Coupling
2) Maurizio Brocchini ( Polytechnic University of Marche, Italy ) |
"The influence of frictional Chezy contributions on the shoreline motion" |
3) Atle Jensen ( University of Oslo, Norway ) |
"Kinematics of solitary wave runup" |
4) Christian Kharif ( Ecole Centrale Marseille, France ) |
"Vorticity effect on modulational instability: Application to rogue waves" |
5) Shijun Liao ( Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China ) |
"On the multiple steady-state fully resonant water waves" |
6) Hua Liu ( Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China ) |
"Impacts of local tsunamis on China coasts" |
7) Philip L-F Liu ( Cornell University, U. S. A. ) |
"Evolution of boundary layer flows under a transient long wave" |
8) Per A. Madsen (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark ) |
"Asymptotic solutions to the Cauchy-Poisson problem in 2D and 3D" |
9) Chiang C. Mei (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U. S. A. ) |
"Nonlinear long waves over a muddy beachh" |
10) Geir Pedersen ( University of Oslo, Norway ) |
"Waves due to sub-aerial slides in narrow waterways. Experiments and computational challenges" |
11) Patrick Lynett (University of Southern California, U. S. A. ) |
"Dynamic, Tsunami-Induced Nearshore Currents" |
12) Anna Sergeeva (Institute of Applied Physics, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University, Russia ) |
"KdV turbulence in shallow water" |