The Third International Conference: Nonlinear Waves--Theory and Applications


Dispersive Nonlinear Vector Waves: Solitons and Shocks
Antonio Degasperis    ( University of Rome, Italy )
Several wave phenomena are modeled by vector fields, namely by vector valued functions of coordinates and time. Describing vector wave propagation, if affected by nonlinear coupling, requires numerical computations as well as analytical methods of investigation. Integrable models, when applicable, even if only approximate, play an important role because of our ability of constructing explicit solutions and of using spectral techniques. The target of this MiniSymposium is to present recent contributions to this subject, in both experimental contexts and in mathematical schemes of computation. Special focus is on nonlinear models of relevance in physics which possess exact or approximate explicit soliton and/or shock-wave solutions.
List of Speakers:
1) Mark J. Ablowitz   ( University of Colorado, U. S. A. )
   "Solitons and interactions of dispersive shock waves"
2) Antonio Degasperis    ( University of Rome, Italy )
   "Vector semi-rational soliton solutions"
3) Zhaosheng Feng    ( University of Texas-Pan American, U. S. A. )
   "Solitary wave solution to the KdV-Burgers-type equation"
4) Neda Ghofraniha   ( Sapienza University of Rome, Italy )
   "Experiments on optical spatial shocks in random media"
5) Tamara Grava   ( SISSA, Italy )
   "Hamiltonian PDEs and dispersive shock waves"
6) Spirydon Kamvissis   ( University of Crete, Greece )
   "Perturbation of the periodic Toda lattice"
7) Peter Miller   ( University of Michigan, U. S. A. )
   "Internal waves with small dispersion"
8) Zhijun Qiao   (University of Texas, U. S. A. )
   " Integrable system with peakon, weak kink, and kink-peakon interactional solutions"
9) Paolo Santini   ( Sapienza University of Rome, Italy )
   "Nonlinear wave propagations in multidimensions and wave breaking in Nature"
10) Guohai Situ   (Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences , China )
   "Observation of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in a photonic lattice "
11) Stefano Trillo   ( University of Ferrara , Italy )
   "Optical dispersive shock waves in parametric wave mixing"