The Third International Conference: Nonlinear Waves--Theory and Applications


1) Fatma Aydogmus   ( Istanbul University, Turkey )
   "Two-Dimensional Vector Field Visualization Of Gursey Instantons"
2) Rodislav Driben   ( Tel Aviv University, Israel; University of Paderborn, Germany )
   "Generation of ultra-compressed solitons with a high tunable wavelength shift in Raman-inactive hollow-core photonic crystal fibers"
3) Ibrahim H. El-Sirafy   ( Alexandria University, Egypt )
   "On axisymmetrical boundary problem of unsteady motion of micropolar fluid in the half-space"
4) Pierre Gaillard   ( Université de Bourgogne, France )
   "Deformations of higher Peregrine breathers, multi-rogue waves and their analytical expressions"
5) A. A. Gelash   ( University of Arizona, U. S. A.)
   "Superregular solitonic solutions in Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation"
6) Yannis Kominis   ( University of Patras, Greece; National Technical University of Athens, Greece )
   "Non-paraxial Traveling Solitary Waves in Layered Nonlinear Media"
7) Chuanzhong Li   ( Ningbo University, China )
   " Block algebra in two-component BKP and D type Drinfeld-Sokolov hierarchies"
8) Chuanzhong Li   ( Ningbo University, China )
   " Rogue waves of the Hirota and the Maxwell-Bloch equations"
9) Maohua Li   ( Ningbo University, China )
   " Virasoro type algebraic structure and the analyticity of the constrained discrete KP hierarchy"
10) Yongyao Li   ( South China Agricultural University, China; Tel Aviv University, Israel )
   "Matter-wave solitons supported by field-induced dipole-dipole repulsion with a spatially modulated strength"
11) Ji Lin   ( Zhejiang Normal University, China )
   "(2+1)- dimensional analytical solutions of the combining cubic-quintic nonlinear Schrödinger equation"
12) Bo Ren   ( Shaoxing University, China )
   " The supersymmetric Burgers equation: Bosonization and exact solution"
13) Eren Tosyali   ( Istanbul University, Turkey )
   " Search of Chaos in Bose-Einstein Condansate in Tilted Bichromatic Potential"
14) Tao Xu   ( China University of Petroleum, China )
   " Darboux transformation of the Sasa-Satsuma equation: New solitons and resonant interaction"
15) Jun Yu   ( Shaoxing University, China )
   " Bosonization of the Supersymmetric Ito equation"