The Second International Conference: Nonlinear Waves--Theory and Applications


We will provide transportation from the Beijing Capital International Airport to the hotel for participants on June 25, 2010 (the day before the conference) between 10am to 11pm by chartered shuttle bus. Even though not necessary, it would be helpful for us if you could tell us (by email to the details of your flight information (your name, flight number, and arrival time) by June 18, 2010.

If your arrival is before 10am or after 11pm on June 25, or is not on June 25, you may take a taxi to the hotel at your expense (the price is approximately 100 RMB, and the distance is about 35km). Conference participants will stay in five hotels on or around Tsinghua University campus: Jiasuo Hotel, Jinchunyuan Building, Uniscenter, WenJin Hotel and the Lakeview Hotel.

  • If you will stay in Jiasuo Hotel, your instruction to the taxi driver is contained in this pdf file (Jiasuo.pdf)
  • If you will stay in Jinchunyuan Building, your instruction to the taxi driver is contained in this pdf file (Jinchunyuan.pdf)
  • If you will stay in Uniscenter, your instruction to the taxi driver is contained in this pdf file (Uniscenter.pdf)
  • If you will stay in WenJin Hotel, your instruction to the taxi driver is contained in this pdf file (WenJin.pdf)
  • If you will stay in the Lakeview Hotel, your instruction to the taxi driver is contained in this pdf file (Lakeview.pdf)