Conference: Nonlinear Waves--Theory and Applications |
Participation: |
In addition to key-note talks, the conference will also include minisymposia,
contributed and poster sessions. Participants are encouraged to submit
minisymposium proposals, contributed talks or poster talks related to the
conference themes. |
Minisymposium proposals: |
Prospective minisymposium organizers should provide a short description of
their sessions, together with a list of the speakers'names and titles of their
talks to Professor Xingbiao Hu (hxb@lsec.cc.ac.cn) or Jianke Yang
(jyang@cems.uvm.edu) by Nov. 30, 2007. Proposals submitted after this date will
be considered subject to space availability in the program. Minisymposium
proposals will be reviewed by the scientific committee. Notices of acceptance
will be sent out to the session organizers by January 1, 2008. After
acceptance, abstracts as well as complete addresses of all minisymposium
speakers should be submitted by January 31, 2008. Please follow the abstract
template, the latex template and pdf template. Abstracts in BOTH latex and pdf should be submitted. |
Each minisymposium consists of a minimum of four and maximum of twelve speakers, and each speaker’s talk is 30 minutes long (25 minutes of presentation
plus 5 minutes of questions
). |
Contributed talks: |
Prospective contributed-talk authors are invited to submit an abstract no more
than one page in length to Professor Jianke Yang (jyang@cems.uvm.edu) by
January 31, 2008 (later submission may be considered subject to space
availability in the program). The abstract should include: title of the paper,
name, affiliation, postal, address, e-mail address, and telephone numbers.
Contributed talks will be reviewed by the scientific committee. Notices of
acceptance will be sent out to the contributor by February 28, 2008. Please
follow the abstract template, the latex template and pdf template. Abstracts in
BOTH latex and pdf should be submitted.
Each contributed talk is 20 minutes long (18 minutes of presentation plus 2
minutes of questions ). |
Poster papers: |
Prospective poster-paper authors are invited to submit an abstract no more than one page in length to Professor Xingbiao Hu (hxb@lsec.cc.ac.cn) by February 28, 2008 (later submission may be considered subject to space availability in the program). The abstract should include: title of the paper, name, affiliation, postal, address, e-mail address, and telephone numbers. Poster talks will be reviewed by the scientific committee. Notices of acceptance will be sent out to the contributor by March 31, 2008. Please follow the abstract template, the latex template and pdf template. Abstracts in BOTH latex and pdf should be submitted.