2015 Summer School on Finite Element Methods

(August 5-7, 2015)

Beijing Institute for Scientific and Engineering Computing

The 2015 summer school on finite element methods will be held from August 5 to 7, 2015 at the Beijing Institute for Scientific and Engineering Computing (BISEC). The goal of the summer school is to deliver high quality instructional courses on FEM at graduate level and expose new and intriguing research topics to graduate students, postdocs, and other researchers. This year, our focus is on the development of finite element softwares and their applications. The intended audience will include students and junior researchers from both mathematics and engineering, and also people from industry.

Invited lecturers

Prof. Gabriel Wittum (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany)
    A short course on “Modeling and Simulation of Biological Systems”

Prof. Anders Logg (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)

    A short course on FEniCS


Tentative Schedule

August 5 August 6 August 7
08:00 am - 08:15 am Opening Ceremony - -
08:15 am - 09:00 am Modeling and Simulation of Biological Systems
09:10 am - 09:55 am Modeling and Simulation of Biological Systems
10:05 am - 10:50 am Modeling and Simulation of Biological Systems
11:00 am - 11:45 am Modeling and Simulation of Biological Systems
11:45 am - 02:00 pm Lunch Break
02:00 pm - 02:45 pm A Short Course on FEniCS
02:55 pm - 03:40 pm A Short Course on FEniCS
03:50 pm - 04:35 pm A Short Course on FEniCS
04:45 pm - 05:30 pm A Short Course on FEniCS
05:30 pm - 05:45 pm - - Closing Ceremony


3411 College of Applied Sciences

Organizing Committee
