Limited number of short (about 20 minutes) contributed talks will be accepted for presentation. Papers on theoretical, computational and practical aspects of numerical optimization and numerical algebra are welcome.
Prospective participants (except invited speakers) should send their preregistration giving address (postal and e-mail, if available) and accommodation preference(single or double room) to the address below by post or e-mail before Aug 15 2003. Those who want to contribute 20 minute talks please sent the title and abstract (Latex file preferred) by e-mail.
For further information, please contact the following address:
The organizing committee of the conference are:
The Scientific Committee of the conference are:
1. Registration Fees: The registration fees for the conference are 150 US dollars (paid before Sept 5th, 2003) and 200 dollars (paid after Sept 5th, 2003). Registration fees for students are 50 US dollars (paid before Sept 5th, 2003) and 100 US dollars (paid after Sept 5th, 2003).
2. Accommondation: The conference will arrange your accommondation, a single room with all three meals costs 50 US dollars per day.
3. Sightseeing. Sightseeing tours will be organized by the
conference oraganizers. The tours will include a city tour of Guilin and
a boat trip along the beautiful River Li.
4. Supports. Chinese participants who could not afford to pay the above fees can apply to the conference office for partial supports from the Chinese National Science Foundation.
For more details, please contact:
Prof. Ya-xiang Yuan and Dr. Yuhong Dai Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific Computing Chinese Academy of Sciences, P.O. Box 2719, Beijing 100080, China Tel: +86-10-255-9001, +86-10-6254-5820 FAX: +86-10-254-2485 e-mail:,
Title: Prof/Dr/Mr/Ms Name: ________________________________________
Mailing Address ___________________________________________________
E-mail : _____________________ Fax: _______________________________
Title of Talk: ____________________________________________________
Hotel Preference: single /double/
Registration fee: ______Normal: $150 / $200; Student: $50 / $100
Hotel fee: (number of nights X $50 ): _____________________________
sightseeing ($15 if you join the tour): ___________________________
TOTAL : ______________ Cheque enclosed/ will pay at the conference
Please send the registration form to
Professor Yuhong Dai,
State Key Laboratory of Scientific/Engineering Computing,
ICMSEC, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
P.O. Box 2719, Beijing 100080, P.R. China,
or by e-mail to