International Conference on Numerical Optimization and Numerical Linear Algebra

(Dunhuang, China, May 17-20, 2001)


(A group picture of the Meeting, taken at the top of the whistling sand hills, May 19, 2001)

Thanks for Ms Guo Wei's help, we have more picures, you can press here to view them.

An International Conference on Numerical Optimization and Numerical Linear Algebra will be held at Dunhuang, China, May 17-20, 2001. It is organized by the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific/Engineering Computing, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, State Key Laboratory of Scientific and Engineering Computing and NanZhou Railway University. Its sponsors include Chinese Natural Science Foundation, Chinese Mathematical Society, Chinese Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Invited lectures on recent advances of numerical optimization and numerical algebra will be given.

INVITED SPEAKERS include(tentative list):

O. Burdakov(Linkoeping Univ., Sweden)
X.C. Cai(Univ. of Colorado at Boulder, USA)
T. Coleman(Cornell Univ., USA)
T. Chan(UCLA, USA)
Y.H. Dai (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
M. Fukushima(Kyoto Univ., Japan)
B.S. He(Nanjing Univ. China)
D. Li(Chinese Univ, Hong Kong)
W.B. Liu(Univ. of Kent, UK)
Z. Luo(McMaster Univ., Canada)
L.Q. Qi(Hong Kong Poly Univ)
E. Sachs(Trier, Germany)
E. Spedicato(Italy)
Jie Sun(National Univ., Singapore)
Jiguang Sun(Umea Univ., Sweden)
Z.J. Wu (Iowa State Univ. USA)
D.X. Xie(Univ. S. Mississippi, USA)
D. Yao(Chinese Univ. Hong Kong)
Yinyu Ye (Univ. Iowa, USA, currently visiting Chinese Univ. HK)
J.Z. Zhang(Hong Kong City U)
S.L. Zhang(Univ of Tokyo, Japan)
S.Z. Zhang(Chinese University, Hong Kong)
X.S. Zhang(Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
X.Y. Zhou(Chinese Univ., HK)

Limited number of short (about 20 minutes) contributed talks will be accepted for presentation. Papers on theoretical, computational and practical aspects of numerical optimization and numerical algebra are welcome. A post conference tour to Mo-Gao Cave, a world famous visiting place, will be organized.

The organizing committee of the conference are:

Chairman: Ya-xiang Yuan (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Members: Yuhong Dai (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Zhong-zhi Bai (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Zhi-Run Wei (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Li Gao (Peking Univ. China)
Da-yong Cai (Tsinghua Univ. China)
Zhong-pu Zhang (Nanzhou Railway Univ. China)

The Scientific Committee of the conference are:

Chairman: X.S. Zhang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Members: Ya-xiang Yuan (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
M. Fukushima(Kyoto Univ., Japan)
Jie Sun(National Univ., Singapore)
Jason J.Z. Zhang (City Univ., Hong Kong)
N.Y. Deng (Agriculture Univ. of Beijing, China)
J.Y. Han (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
L.Q. Qi (Hong Kong Polytechnic)
Yinyu Ye (Univ. Iowa, USA)

Expenses Information:

1. Registration Fees: The registration fees for the conference are 150 US dollars (paid before April 15th, 2001) and 200 dollars (paid after April 15th, 2001). Registration fees for students are 50 US dollars (paid before April 15th, 2001) and 100 US dollars (paid after April 15th, 2001).

2. Accommondation: The conference will arrange your accommondation, a single room with all three meals costs 50 US dollars per day.

3. Sightseeing. One day tour to the Mo-Gao Caves and other sightseeing places: 15 US dollars.

4. Supports. Chinese participants who could not afford to pay the above fees can apply to the conference office for particial supports from the Chinese National Science Foundation.

How to reach Dun Huang?

The conference site is located in the city of Dunhuang. The best way to go to Dunhuang is by plane. There are directly flights from Beijing, Xian, and LanZhou to Dunhuang. The Dunhuang Airport is about 10 KM from the conference site.

If you take a train from Beijing to Dunhuang, it will take about 48 hours to reach Dunhuang Railway station. The Dunhuang Railway station is about two hours by bus from the city of Dunhuang.

Conference Site?

The conference will be held in the

Dunhuang YOU DIAN Hotel

The registration office of the confernce will be in the You Dian Hotel. All participants should go to the You Dian Hotel for accommondation arrangements and for obtaining the conference bag.


Those who want to attend the conference please send the following registration form to Prof Yuhong Dai (, together with the registration fee. Checks should be made payable to Yu-hong Dai, whose address is as follows.

Address for correspondence:

For further information, please contact the following address:

               Prof. Ya-xiang Yuan and Dr. Yuhong Dai
               Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific Computing 
               Chinese Academy of Sciences, P.O. Box 2719, Beijing 100080, China 
               Tel: +86-10-255-9001, +86-10-6254-5820  FAX: +86-10-254-2485 

International Conference on
Numerical Optimization and Numerical Linear Algebra
(Dun Huang, China, May 17-20, 2001)

Title: Prof/Dr/Mr/Ms Name: ________________________________________

Mailing Address ___________________________________________________


E-mail : _____________________ Fax: _______________________________

Title of Talk: ____________________________________________________


Hotel Preference: single /double/


Registration fee: ______Normal: $150 / $200; Student: $50 / $100

Hotel fee: (number of nights X $50 ): _____________________________

sightseeing ($15 if you join the tour): ___________________________

TOTAL : ______________ Cheque enclosed/ will pay at the conference

Please send the registration form to

Professor Yuhong Dai,
State Key Laboratory of Scientific/Engineering Computing,
ICMSEC, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
P.O. Box 2719, Beijing 100080, P.R. China,
or by e-mail to
