
    Invited Speakers
            Junzhi Cui (Institute of Computational Mathematics, CAS)

            Weiguo Gao (School of Mathematical Sciences, Fudan University)

            Yiqin Gao (College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University)

             Ruo Li (School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University)

             Haiqing Lin (Beijing Computational Sciences Research Center)

             Lin Lin (Computational Research Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

             Di Liu (Department of Mathematics, Michigan State University)

             Jing Shi (Department of Mathematics, Wayne State University)

             Huazhong Tang (School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University)

             Yanting Wang (Institute of Theoretical Physics, CAS)

             Yueguang Wei (Institute of Mechanics, CAS)

             Yang Xiang (Department of Mathematics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

             Xingye Yue (School of Mathematical Sciences, Soochow University)

             Ping Zhang (Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics)

             Pingwen Zhang (School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University)

             Xiaohong Zhu (College of Science and Engineering, Jinan University)
