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We are a student organization sponsored by Institute of Computational Mathematics & Scientific/Engineering Computing (ICMSEC), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). We were founded in June of 2011 by a small group of enthusiastic students in ICMSEC, on the initiative of Professor Lloyd Nick Trefethen FRS (SIAM President of 2011--2012) and Professor Ya-xiang Yuan (our Faculty Advisor).
Our main goals are:
- To build strong connections between SIAM and the students in CAS, between students and faculty, and among students from different research areas.
- To encourage and help students to apply mathematics to real-world problems, by establishing links with industrial partners.
- To promote the development of industrial and applied mathematics in CAS, even in China. This is our long-term goal. It is in this list because we believe that the optimal way to develop any science is to make more students get involved, as students are the future.
For past and future activities, please visit the Activities Calendar.
Meeting with Professor Nick Trefethen FRS, Nov 1, 2011
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The 6th CAS SIAM Student Chapter Annual Meeting
The 6th CAS SIAM Student Chapter Annual Meeting was held on June 24, 2018 at N204 Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. The day consisted of an opening ceremony, five plenary talks and one contributed talk.
The goal of the meeting was to bring together graduate students, young researchers and faculty to share their works, exchange ideas and promote potential cooperation.
We were very honored to invite Prof. Qun Lin (AMSS, CAS), Prof. Yaxiang Yuan (AMSS, CAS) and Prof. Liqun Cao (AMSS, CAS)to attend our annual meeting. Prof. Qun Lin (AMSS, CAS), Prof. Yaxiang Yuan (AMSS, CAS) and Prof. Liqun Cao (AMSS, CAS) were invited as our distinguished guests to address the opening ceremony. Prof. Shihua Zhang (AMSS, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China), Prof. Tao Cui(Institute of Computational Mathematics, AMSS, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China), Prof. Ge Chen (AMSS, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China), Prof. Cong Sun (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China, Prof. Shifeng Xiong (Institute of Systems Science, AMSS, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) and Prof. Chao Ding (Institutes of Applied Mathematics, AMSS, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) were invited to give the plenary talks. More than 50 students from mathematic institutes, universities attended the meeting.
For more details, please refer to the homepage of our annual meeting.