报告人:叶荫予教授 斯坦福大学管理科学与工程系 报告时间:5月11日(星期四)上午:10:00-12:00 (其中一小时算法演示和讨论) 报告地点:思源楼703, 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院 报告摘要: In this talk, we show that the semidefinite programming (SDP) can be used for realizing graphs in 3-dimensional space. Specifically, we use SDP duality theory to show that given a graph G and a set of lengths on its edges, the optimal dual multipliers of a certain SDP give rise to a proper equilibrium stress for some realization of G. Using this result and other techniques, we then obtain an algorithm for realizing 3-realizable graphs. In particular, we show how to use SDP to pack unit-balls to achieve the largest kissing number. 报告人简介: Professor of MS and ME, EE, Director of the MS&E Industrial Affiliates Program at Stanford's School of Engineering. Ph.D. in Engineering Economic Systems and OR, Stanford. Henry Tippie Research Professor, MS Dept of Univ of Iowa. Adjunct Professor, Institute of Applied Mathematics, the Chinese Academy of Sciences. A semi-plenary speaker and member of the International Advisory Committee of the International Symposium on Math Programming. Distinguished Speaker in High Performance Computation for Engineered Systems of MIT. A highly cited mathematical researcher on http://www.ISIhighlycited.com. Current interests: Markov Decision Algorithm, Computational Game Theory, and Graph Localization Associate or area editors of - 2003-now, Optimization Methods and Software - 2002-now, Operations Research - 2000-now, Optimization & Engineering - 1998-now, Journal of the OR Society of Japan - 1998-02, Math of Operations Research - 1990-97, SIAM Journal on Optimization On editorial board of Management Science, Mathematics of Operations Research.