Homepage of Prof. Li YUAN
Since 2005-8-1
Last update: March 7, 2025.
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1989.3--1992.12, Ph.D.Eng. in fluid mechanics, Department of Applied Mechanics, Bei Hang University.
1986.9--1989.1, M.Eng. in fluid mechanics, Department of Applied Mechanics, BHU.
1982.9--1986.7, B.Eng. in fluid mechanics, Department of Applied Mechanics, BHU.
Research experience
- 1998.12-present, Professor, Institute of Computational Methamatics and
Scientific/Engineering Computing,
Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).
- 2007.4-2007.5, Visiting Scholar, Department of Applied Mathematics, Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
- 2006.8-2006.10, CAS Senior Visiting Scholar, Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University, USA.
- 2003.10-2004.1, Visiting Scholar, Department of Mathematics, Hong Kong Baptist University.
- 1998.12-1999.3, CN Yang visiting fellow, Department of Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
- 1998.7-2001.6, Candidate of "CAS BR plan B", Institute of Computational Methamatics and Scientific/Engineering Computing, CAS.
- 1997.1-1997.12, Postdoc Research Associate, Department of Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
- 1995.12-1998.7, Associate Professor, Institute of Mechanics, CAS.
- 1995.5-1995.11, Assistant Professor, Institute of Mechanics, CAS.
- 1993.2--1995.4, Postdoc, Institute of Mechanics, CAS.
Scientific membership
- 2016--present, editor board, Physics of Gases (in Chinese).
- 2007--2016, editor board, Chinese Journal of Computational Physics (in Chinese).
- 2003--2010, fellow of Beijing Computational Mathematics Society.
- 1997--2007, standing fellow of Chinese Society of Computational Physics.
Research grants
- Member, "Efficient and Reliable Numerical Methods for Fluid Equations" (subtopic) of NNSFC major program
"Mathematical Theories and Applications for Fluid Mechanics"(NNSFC 12494543, 2025.01-2029.12, 40 w RMB)
- Member, "Theoretical and numerical investigation of multifractality and statistical characterizations of compressble turblent flows" (2021.10-2024.10, NSFC-ISF 12161141017, 30 w RMB)
- Principal investigator (PI), "Quadrature based moment method for the PDF equation of turbulent combustion" (2021.1-2024.10, NSFC 12071470, 49w RMB)
- PI, "High-order numerical schemes for LES-PDF modeling of turbulent combustion" (2017.1-2029.12, NSFC 91641107, 50w RMB)
- co-PI, "Mathematical Modeling and High Performance Computing of Complex Fluids" (2013.1-2016.12, NSFC-Hong Kong RGC joint research scheme, 46w RMB)
- Member, "Theories and Algorithms in Computaional Mathematics and Sci/Eng Computing", Creative Research Group of NSFC (2011.1-2016.12, NSFC 11021101,11321061, 60 w RMB).
- PI, "Discontinuous Galerkin method for numerical solution of three-dimensional gas-phase chemically reacting flows" (2010.1-2012.8, NSFC 10972230, 31w RMB).
- Group head, the 5th group in 973 project "Prediction Theories and Numerical Analysis Methods for Heavy Engineering Geological
Disasters" (2010.1-2014.12, 2010CB731505, 100w RMB).
- co-PI, "Numerical methods for Initial-boundary Value Problems of PDEs and their Applications" (2008.1-2010.12, NSFC-RGC excellent young researcher scheme 10729101, 40w RMB).
- Submember, the 3th group in 973 project "High Performance Sicentific Computation" (2006.1-2010.8, 2005CB321703, 17w RMB).
- Member, NSFC key project "Computational Methods for Some Important Nonlinear Problems" (2006-2009, NSFC 10531080, 21w RMB).
- Co-PI, "Numerial Method for 3D Chemically Reacting Gas Flows" (2005.1-2007.12, NSFC-NSAF 10476032, 25w RMB).
- PI, "Numerical Simulation of Nonspherical Collapse of a Sonoluminescing Bubble" (2002.1-2004.12, NSFC 10172089, 17w RMB).
- Member, the 1th group in 973 project "Large-Scale Scientific Computing Research" (2000.1-2004.8, G199903280-05, 25w RMB).
- Awardee, CAS excellent young researcher (BR) plan B (1998.8-2001.7, 30w RMB).
Research areas
- Adaptive and parallel computation of chemically reacting gas flow.
- Mathematical modeling and numerical methods for debris flow.
- Computational study of incompressible laminar-turbulent transitional flows in spherical Couette system.
- Ghost fluid method and multiphase modelling method for compressible multimaterial flow.
- Numerical investigation of acoustic cavitation and sonoluminescence
open codes