International Summer School on Scientific Computing 
July 23-August 5, 2012
State Key Laboratory of Scientific/Engineering Computing (LSEC)

Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Imaging

Invited Lecturers:

Professor Habib Ammari (Department of Mathematics and Applications,
Ecole Normale Superieure) Professor Josselin Garnier (Laboratoire de Probabilites et Modeles Aleatoires &
Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Universite Paris VII)
June 25th, 2012 Deadline for Application June 30th, 2012 Deadline for Admission July 22th, 2012 Registration on the Summer School July 23th- Aug. 5th, 2012 The Summer School
Application Form
Contact Information: 
Ms. Liu Ying Institute of Computational Mathematics Chinese Academy of Sciences P.O. Box 2719, Beijing 100190, China Tel: +86-10-8261-4864 Fax: +86-10-6254-2285 E-mail: