The Third International Conference: Nonlinear Waves--Theory and Applications


Rogue Waves 2013: Theory and Experiment
V. B. Matveev   (Université de Bourgogne, France)
The aim of this mini-symposium is to join together the active researchers in the field and to expose the most recent results of the last 2 years both concerning the theoretical and experimental results concerning the studies of the rogue waves. Nowadays a phenomenon of the appearance of rogue waves was observed in quite different areas ranging from the ocean rogues waves, rogue waves in plasma and optical fibers,- to the rogue waves in Bose-condensates, finances and atmosphere. The most impressive theoretical results are connected with studies of the related modulation instabilities for the nonlinear models although the linear approach rests still important. Special attention will be paid to the recently discovered phenomena of multiple rogue waves generation in various nonlinear integrable models.
List of Speakers:
1) Amin Chabchoub   ( Technishe Universität; Hamburg, Germany )
   ""Experiments on NLS solutions in the focusing and defocusing regime"
2) Peter Clarkson   ( University of Kenterberry, U. K. )
   "Rational solutions of the Boussinesque equation"
3) Antonio Degasperis   ( Sapienza University of Rome, Italy )
   "Resonant interactions and rogue waves"
4) Philippe Dubard   ( Université de Bourgogne, France )
   "New results on NLS-KP-I correspondence and multiple rogue waves events"
5) Pierre Gaillard   ( Université de Bourgogne, France )
   "Deformations of higher rogue Peregrine breathers and monstrous polynomials"
6) Andrei Gelash   (Novosibirsk State University, Russia )
   "On the nonlinear stage of Modulation Instability"
7) Jingsong He   ( Ningbo University, China )
   "New patterns of higher order Rogue waves"
8) Bertrand Kibler   ( Université de Bourgogne, France)
   "Rogue waves: rational solutions and wave turbulence theory"
9) Christian Klein   ( Université de Bourgogne, France )
   "Vectorial NLS-KP-I correspondence, DS equations and rogue waves"
10) Liming Ling   ( Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, China )
   "High order rogue waves solutions of NLS and DNLS equations"
11) Vladimir B. Matveev   ( Université de Bourgogne, France )
   "Large parametric asymptotic of the multi-rogue waves solutions of the NLS equation and extreme rogue wave solutions of the KP-I equation"
12) A.O. Smirnov   ( St.Petersbourg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Russia )
   "Multi-phase freak waves"
13) Zhenya Yan   ( Institute of Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China )
   "Nonautonmous rogue waves and interactions in some nonlinear physical models"
14) Jianke Yang   ( University of Vermont, U. S. A )
   "Dynamics of rogue Waves in the Davey-Stewartson equations"
15) Stefano Wabnitz   ( Università di Brescia, Brescia, Italy )
   "Optical Tsunami"
16) Alexey Slunyaev   ( Russia Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University, Russia )
   "Coherent wave groups causing rogue waves"
17) Anna Sergeeva   ( Russia Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University, Russia )
   "Extreme events in numerical simulations of irregular surface water waves "