International Conference: Nonlinear Waves--Theory and Applications


Self-Focusing and Ultrafast Lasers

This mini-symposium is being organized in order to bring together researchers who are studying self-focusing, ingularity formation, soliton propgation in ultrafast lasers andstability in Nonlinear Schrödinger equations, with emphasis on application to Nonlinear Optics and Bose-Einstein Condensates. These areas of research are seeing intense multidisciplinary research in fundamental science and with a wide scope of applications,e.g., ultra-precise clocks and optical signal processing. Typical mathematical models involve nonlinear Schrodinger-type equations. Because of the novelty and complexity of these physical systems, it is expected that a synthesis of modeling, rigorous and asymptotic analyses, and computational methods will be subjects of significant discussion. The general purpose of this minisymposium is to bring together theoretical and experimental researchers from different disciplines working in these areas, and to provide a forum for the multidisciplinary discussion of current and future research directions. 

Organizer:  Boaz Ilan (School of Natural Sciences, University of California at Merced, USA)

Speakers List  (in alphabetical order of authors)
1) Mark J. Ablowitz (University of Colorado at Boulder, Department of Applied Mathematics, USA)
   Soltons and Dynamics in Mode Locked Lasers  
2) Nalan Antar (Istanbul Technical University, TURKEY)
   Band Gap Formation, Fundamental Solitons and Vortices in Two Dimensional Lattices 3) Guy Baruch (Tel Aviv University, ISRAEL)
   Solution of the nonlinear-Helmholtz equation for self-focusing beams  
4) Zhigang Chen (San Francisco State University, USA)
   Discrete solitons and singularity formation in reconfigurable photonic lattices   5) Gadi Fibich (Tel Aviv University, ISRAEL)
   Stabilities of lattice solitons   6) Nir Gavish (Tel Aviv University, ISRAEL)
   Singular vortex solutions of the nonlinear Schroedinger equation 7) Boaz Ilan (School of Natural Sciences, University of California at Merced, USA)
   NLS stability theory for solitons in inhomogenous media
8) F. Ömer İlday (Bilkent University, TURKEY)
   Spectrally breathing femtosecond pulses from an Er-doped fiber laser    9) Ziad H. Musslimani (Florida State University, USA)
ave propagation in PT waveguide arrays 10) Zuoqiang Shi (Tsinghua University, China)    Instability of Two-dimensional Lattice Solitons Near Edges of Bloch Bands in Periodic Media 11) Can Sun (Princeton University, USA)
   Observation of Peakon Profile in Nonlocal Nonlinear Collapse