Forum on Scientific and Engineering Computing 2018
June 1-2, 2018  Beijing  
The purpose of the forum is to promote the interdisciplinary research in the field of scientific and engineering computations. 
The topic covered in the 2018 forum will be
Inverse Problems.
Invited Speakers: 

Maarten De Hoop(Rice University, USA )

Thorsten Hohage ( Georg-August University Gottingen, Germany )

Peijun Li ( Purdue University, USA )

Kui Ren ( The University of Texas, USA )

Zuowei Shen ( National University of Singapore, Singapore )

Faouzi Triki ( University Grenoble Alpes, France )

Gunther Uhlmann ( University of Washington, USA )

Masahiro Yamamoto ( University of Tokyo, Japan )

State Key Laboratory of Scientific and Engineering Computing 
The National Center for Mathematics and Interdisciplinary Sciences 
BAO Gang ( Zhejiang University,China )
ZHANG Bo ( Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS )
Contact Information: 
 Ms. DING Rujuan 
 Institute of Computational Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences 
 P.O. Box 2719, Beijing 100190, China 
 Tel: +86-10-8254-1031
 Fax: +86-10-8254-1031
 E-mail: dingrj@lsec.cc.ac.cn