Publications in 2023
- On convergence rates of Kaczmarz-type methods
with different selection rules of working rows,
Applied Numerical Mathematics,
186(2023), 289-319.
(With Lu Wang)
- On multi-step randomized extended Kaczmarz method
for solving large sparse inconsistent linear systems,
Applied Numerical Mathematics,
192(2023), 197-213.
(With Lu Wang)
- Randomized Kaczmarz iteration methods:
Algorithmic extensions and convergence theory,
Japan Journal of Industrial
and Applied Mathematics,
40:3(2023), 1421-1443.
(With Wen-Ting Wu)
- An economic implementation of the optimal
rotated block-diagonal preconditioning method,
Numerical Algorithms,
93:1(2023), 85-101.
(With Kang-Ya Lu)