Publications  of  2000:


Papers published in research journals :

1.Zhong-Zhi Bai, A class of asynchronous parallel iterations for the systems of nonlinear algebraic equations, Comput.&Math. with Appl.,39(2000),81-94.

2.Zhong-Zhi Bai, Sharp error bounds of some Krylov subspace methods for non-Hermitian linear systems, Appl.Math.Comput.,109(2000),273-285.

3.ZhiMing Chen,Tsimin Shih, Xingye Yue, Numerical methods for Stefan problems with prescribed convection and nonlinear flux, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis,20(2000),81-89.

4.ZhiMing Chen, Ricardo H.Nochetto, A.Schmidt, A characteristic Galerkin method with adaptive error control for the continuous casting problem, Comput.Methods Appl.Mech.Engrg.,189(2000),249-276.

5.Zhiming Chen, Qiang Du, Jun Zhou, Finite element methods with matching and nonmatching meshes for Maxwell equations with discontuous coefficients,SIAM J.Numer.Anal.,37(2000),1542-1570.

6.Zhiming Chen, Ricardo H.Nochetto, Residual type a posteriori error estimates for elliptic obstacle problems,Numer.Math.,84(2000),527-548.

7.Zhiming Chen, Qiang Du,An upwinding mixed finite element method for a mean field model of superconducting vortices, Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis,34(2000),687-706.

8.Zhiming Chen, Ricardo H.Nocktto, A.Schmidt, Error control and adaptivity for a phase relaxation model, Math.Model.Numer.Anal.,34(2000),775-797.

9.Y.H.Dai, Y.Yuan, A nonlinear conjugate gradient method with a strong global convergence property,SIAM J.Optim.,10(1999),177-182.

10.Yuhong Dai, Jiye Han,Ya-Xiang Yuan,G.H.Liu,D.F-Sun, H.X.Yin,Convergence properties of nonlinear conjugate gradent methods,SIAM J.Optim.,10(1999),345-358.

11.Jialin Hong, Ying Liu,Numerical simulation of periodic and quasiperiodic solutions for nonautonomous Hamiltonian systems via the scheme preserving weak invariance ,Computer Physics Communications,131(2000),86-94.

12.Jialin Hong, Rafael Obaya, Ana M.Sanz Ergodic solutions via ergodic sequences, Nonlinear Analysis,40(2000),265-277.

13.Jialin Hong, Ana I. Alonso,Rafael Obaya,Absolutely continuous dynamics and real coboundary cocycles in L-spaces, 0

14.Jialin Hong, Ana.I.Alonso, Rafael Obaya,Almost periodic type solutions of differential equations with piecewise constant argument via almost periodic type sequences, Applied Mathematics Letters,13(2000),131-137.

15.Jialin Hong, R. P. Agarwal, Y. Liu, A class of ergodic solutions of nonlinear differential equations and numerical treament, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 32(2000),493-506.

16.Xing-Biao Hu, Hon-Wah Tam,Two integrable differential-difference equations exhibiting soliton solutions of the kaup--kupershmidt equation type,Physics Letters A, 272(2000),174-183.

17.Xing-Biao Hu, Hon-Wah Tam,Application of Hirota's bilinear formalism to a two-dimensional lattice by Leznov,Physics Letters A.,276(2000),65-72.

18.Xing-Biao Hu, Dao-Liu Wang, Hon-Wah Tam,wenxiu Ma,The Hirota-Satsuma coupled KDV equation and a coupled Ito system revisited, J.Phys.Soc.Japan,69(2000),45-52.

19. Xing-Biao Hu, Dao-Liu wang, Zuo-Nong Zhu,A differential difference Caudrey-Dodd-Gibbon-kotera-Sawada equation,J.Phys.Soc.Japan,69(2000),1042-1049.

20.Xing-Biao Hu, Dao-Liu Wang, Hon-Wah Tam ,Lax pairs and Backlund tranformations for a coupled Ramani equation and its related system,Appl.Math.Lett.,13(2000),45-48.

21.Xing-Biao Hu, Hon-wah Tam,Some new results on the Blaszak-Marciniak 3-field and 4-field lattices, Rep.Math.Phys.,46(2000),89-95.

22.Jian Li, Fourier-Legendre pseudospectral method for the Navier-Stokes equation, J.Comput.Math.,18(2000),225-238.

23.Jian Li, Heping Weiwei Sun, Error analysis fbr solving the Korteweg-de Vries equation by a Legendre pseudo-spectral method, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations,16(2000),513-534.

24.Nie Jiawang, Yuan Yaxiang,A potential reduction algorithm for an extended SDP problem , science in china (Series A),43(2000),35-46.

25.Meng Zhao Qin, Pingfu Zhao, Approximations for KdV equation as a Hamiltonian system, Computers and Mathematics with Applications,39(2000),1-11.

26.Meng Zhao Qin, Pingfu Zhao, Multisymplectic geometry and multisympledic Preissmann scheme for the KdV equation, J.Phys.A:Math.Gen.,33(2000),3613-3626.

27.Meng Zhao Qin, Yajuan Sun, Construction of multisymplectic schemes of any finite order for modified wave equations,J.Math.Phys.,41(2000),1-15.

28.Zhong-Ci Shi, Xuejun Xu,A V-cycle multigrid method forTRUNC plate element,Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,188(2000),483-493.

29.Zhong-Ci Shi, Xuejun Xu, Cascadic multigid for parabolic problems, Journal of Computational Mathematics,18(2000),551-560.

30.Hua-Zhong Tang, Hua-Mo Wu, Kinetic flux vector splitting for radiation hydrodynamical equations,Comput.& Flui.,29(2000),917-933.

31.Hua-Zhong Tang, Hua-Mo Wu, on a cell entropy inequa1ity of the relaxing schemes for scalar conservation laws,J.Comput.Math.,18(2000),69-74.

32.Hua-Zhong Tang, Hua-Mo Wu,On the explicit compact schemes II:Extension of the STCE/CE method on nonstaggered grids, J.Comput.Math.,18(2000)467-480.

33.Tang Hua-Zhong, Wu Hua-Mo, High resolution KFVS finite volume methods for multicomponent flow calculations,computing phisics,17(2000),179-186.

34. Hua-Zhong Tang, On the central relaxing schemes I:single conservation laws, J.Comput.Math.,18(2000),313-324.

35.Yi-Fa Tang, On conjugate symplecticity of multi-step methods, J.Comput.Math.,18(2000),431-438.

36.Lie-Heng Wang, On the error estimate of linear finite element approximation to the elastic contact problem with curved contact boundary,J.Comput.Math.,18(2000),561-566.

37.Lie-Heng Wang, Huoyuan Duan, Least squares mixed finite element method for saddle-point problem,J.Comput.Math.,18(2000),353-364.

38.Lie-Heng Wang, The L2-norm error estimate of nonconforming finite element method for the 2nd order elliptic problem with the lowest regularity, J.Comput.Math., 18(2000),277-282.

39.Xuejun Xu, On the accuracy of nonconforming quadrilateral Q element approximation for the Navier-Stokes problem, SIAM J.Numer.Anal,38(2000),17-39.

40.Xuejun Xu, A discrete kon¡¯s inequality in two and three dimensions, App.Math.Lett.,13(2000),99-102.

41.Xuejun Xu, Qing-Ping Deng, Shumin Shen,Maximum norm error estimates of Crouzeix-Raviart nonconforming finite element approximation of Navier-Stokes problem,J.Comput.Math.,18(2000),141-156.

42.Xuejun Xu, Li Likang, Nonnested multilevel preconditioning methods with.simple and identical come mesh correction spaces, Numer.Math., A Journal of Chinese. Univer.,9(2000),19-36.

43.Guangwu Yan, Li Yuan, Lattice Boltzmann solver of Rossler equation,. Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation,5(2000),64-68.

44.De-hao Yu, Jiming Wu, The overlapping domain decomposition method for harmonic equation over exterior three-dimentional domain, J.comput.Math.,18(2000),83-94.

45.Li Yuan, Guangwu Yan, Lattice Boltzmann model fbr the perfect gas f1ows with near-vacuum region, Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation, 5(2000),58-63.

46.Ya-Xiang Yuan, Xiongda Chen, On local solutions of the Celis-Dennis-Tapia subproblem,SIAM J.Optim.,10(1999),359-383.

47.Ya-Xiang Yuan, K.Anstreicher , Xin Chen , H.Wolkowicz,, Strong duality for a trust-region type relaxation of the quadratic assignment problem, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 301(1999(,121-136.

48.Y.Yuan, On the truncated conjugate gradient method,Math.Program.,Ser.A 87(2000),561-571.

49.Zhang Linbo, Fu Dexun,Ma Yanwen, Direct numerical simulation of transition and turbulence in compressible mixing layer, Science in China (Series A),43(2000),421-429.

50.Zhang Linbo, On pipelined computation of a set of recurrences on distributed memory systems, J.Num.Methods&Comp.Appl.,20(1999),184-191.


Papers published in proceedings of symposia and conferences :


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