文本框: 会议信息
    International Conference on Numerical 
               Linear Algebra and Optimization 
                                        (Lhasa, Tibet, China, August 8-12, 2005) 
An International Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization will be held in Lhasa, Tibet in China from August 8 to 12, 2005. This conference is the 5th of the binnial conference, with previous ones being held in Qingdao(1997), Nanjing(1999), Dunhuang(2001) and Guilin(2003). The Conference will be organized by the State Key Laboratory of Scientific and Engineering Computing, the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific/Engineering Computing, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Tibet University. The sponsors of the Conference include Chinese Natural Science Foundation, and Chinese Mathematical Society. Invited lectures on recent advances of numerical optimization, numerical linear algebra, and their applications will be given. 
INVITED SPEAKERS include(tentative list):
M. Fukushima (Kyoto Univ, Japan) 
M. Gu (UC Berkeley, USA) 
W. Hager (University of Florida, USA) 
D. Goldfarb (Columbia Univ, USA) 
N. Gould (Rutherford Appleton Lab, Oxford, UK) 
M. Groetschel (TU Berlin, Germany) 
T. Luo (University of Minnesota, USA) 
J. Nocedal (Northwestern University, USA) 
K. Schittkowski(University of Bayreuth, Germany) 
W.Y. Sun (Nanjing Univ., China) 
M. Thera (University of Limoges, France) 
P. Tseng (University of Washington, USA) 
J.C. Xu (Penn State University, USA) 
Y. Ye (Standford Univ, USA) 
J.Y. Yuan (Univ of Curitiba, Brazil) 
C. Zillober (University of Bayreuth, Germany) 
S.Z. Zhang (Chinese University of Hong Kong, China) 
S.L. Zhang (Tokyo University, Japan) 
Limited number of short (about 20 minutes) contributed talks will be accepted for presentation. Papers on theoretical, computational and practical aspects of numerical optimization and numerical algebra are welcome. 
Prospective participants (except invited speakers) should send their preregistration giving address (postal and e-mail, if available) to the address below by post or e-mail before April 15th, 2005. Those who want to contribute 20 minute talks please send the title and abstract (Latex file preferred) by e-mail to Mr Xia Yong (yxia@lsec.cc.ac.cn). Due to various constraints, the maximum number of participants will be 60(the up limit for overseas participants 
will be 30). Therefore, if you want to attend, please register as soon as possible. 
For further information, please contact the following address: 
Prof Ya-xiang Yuan and Prof Yu-hong Dai






































